*if* hs become the most dangerous word in this thread. Whatever purposfully half hearted 'evidence' has been supplied, has been scrutinised and identified as fabricated BS.
Yet there are one or two supposedly genuine members of this forum, that began in this thread with a low post number and apparently have vested interests in this project. They appear whenever the majority agree upon the legitimacy of the 'product' and leap upon every opportunity to hijack the thread and suggest 'what ifs' whilst offering the opportunity on the sham company to provide a glimpse of compassion and offer an assumed refund, thereby attempting to appear as if they are honourable and actively involved in developing something.
Bizarrely this normally occurs at what would be the middle of the night, very early morning in the real Lebanon, when all characters involved are awake, never at this exact moment in time, early afternoon, when the real Lebanon is wide awake, (2pm currently).
One of these forum members appear to be the only person the company regularly communicates with, with the company spontaneously deciding to post around the same time as that member receives their message.
This uncertainty fuels more speculation and thus the thread survives and offers the potential for some newbie to spend without due diligence. The cycle continues.
There is no disputing the falsehood uncovered in the evidence provided. It's incontrovitable they attempted to deceive and their shoddy photoshopping and intentionally poorly placed/focused/angled photography and cinematography only compounds the fact any genuine company would goto great lengths to prove without a shadow of a doubt their product exists and works as intended so they may sell in volume.
In addition the company just binned two working miner prototypes, that just weren't working good enough? Aside from the loss in excess funds generated there, they never documented their existence or their journey the past few years.
The are no *ifs, this is a scam, it's not even a well constructed one, but my word is it a determined one.
This thread needs to be put to rest in the scam sub-forum. The moderators have been particularly hands-off and that concerns me.
There is absolutely no excuse. It might be fun to read, but it stinks and mods should be ashamed.
This is most likely a SCAM.
People must learn to do some DUE DILIGENCE before sending money to strangers.
You are doing a lot of speculation yourself, and you'd be resting too at 2PM if you had too much knefeh. (and your posts are very long