On the newest CGMiner 3.6.1 I have an issue on Linux. This problem is on a Raspberry Pi. It wasn't noticeable until I added more jalapeno's.
What happens is this. After running for a while it appears Linux runs out of USB devices. I know the problem is actually my USB devices errors.
The reason this seems like a problem is that when it runs out of devices in 22K shares or so 4 devices will not be working. It happens one at a time until it runs out completely. When it runs out the devices will be back to their initial numbering ex BAJ 7 and zombie. the only fix seems to be to quit cgminer so that it will start over. The hashrate is very low. I assume given enough other errors I would lose all 9.
Since no device was over 3% errors I would have assumed that it wouldn't get disabled as fast as it does. Most errors I notice are in response to a temp request. The reply is in process,0x(something),0x(something)(sometimes a third 0x(something) sometimes 0x00x00x00. At least that is how I remember it. I think that error was on 3.5.1. Current error looks like this
[2013-10-16 03:33:04] BAJ 28 usb read err:(1) **UNKNOWN**
[2013-10-16 03:33:04] BAJ28: QueJobStatus failed (err=1 amt=0)
[2013-10-16 03:33:04] BAJ 28 failure, disabling!
I am not running the newest raspbian. I use one from 2/13. It holds up longer while mining and less frequently locks up the UI.
I have a different problem on Windows. Using a USB 2 or USB 3 hub the error rate is low. Using usb 1 hub I get devices that have accepted in the single digits like 9 to 300+ errors. I will likely pick up a USB 2.0 hub tomorrow. I see this a lot. I don't think its an error though.
USB BAJ read 2 bugger buffering 2 extra bytes