You've got in the devs list, 'ID' and 'BFL'/'ICA' etc. to give us some number. What's the difference between these numbers? Are they equivilent, or might you get something like:
ID 0, BFL 0
ID 1, BFL 1
ID 2, ICA 0
And when you request data with gpu|N or PGA|N, is that N 'ID' or 'BFL'/'ICA' etc?
PGA, Name, ID
The PGA number starts at 0 and goes up to the number of PGA devices -1
The ID matches the order on the screen - and it's the cgminer internal sequential device_id
The point of PGA is that you send PGA only commands and they refer to the PGA devices in device_id order but not skipping numbers.
Thus it's always just a simple number range starting at 0.
So on my rig (2x6950 + 2xIcarus):