I've got the Apollo 2 Standard unit hooked up to an Ubuntu 24.04 LTS machine. I have the GitHub repo cloned, and I run:
./apollo-miner-v2 -host us-east.stratum.braiins.com -port 3333 -user myusername -pswd anything123 -comport /dev/ttyACM0 -powermode eco -ao_mode 1
from within
Apollo-Miner-Binaries/Apollo II/linux-x86_64
The program starts fine, but I get stuck waiting for the device:
>>> Waiting for USB /dev/ttyACM0 [43] !!!
>>> Waiting for USB /dev/ttyACM0 [44] !!!
I verified that it's the right device:
$ ls -al /dev/tty*
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Jun 11 01:53 /dev/ttyACM0
I have the unit plugged in, turned on, and connected via USB. I can hear the fans spinning, and the status LED is white on the front.
Any ideas what I might be missing?
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: I added permissions and changed owners of the device and now it seems to be working! For example:
$ sudo chmod +rwx /dev/ttyACM0
$ sudo chown myuser /dev/ttyACM0