Want to get this tested here by a few of you since we dont have a lot of MCU1 devices left to test.
Below feedback would be appreciated:
OS detects internal board and starts up fine
OS detects and starts up external USB Standard units (both Apollo BTC or if any MCU1 owners have an Apollo II standard yet)
Was able to flash an Apollo BTC Full MCU1 and plug in via USB to Apollo 2 Full, it was detected and started contributing hashing.
It appears to be a little finnicky if you are manipulating the web dashboard for both units simultaneously. For example, it was initially showing both units and hashboards on the Apollo 2 miner page. After restarting the Apollo 1, it seems to be operating independently with no apparent communication with the the Apollo 2. Both are mining and contributing hashrate to the pool.
Also doesn't appear that the Apollo I node wants to start up, but this may be by design when connected via USB? I never updated the SSD on it, so ostensibly it couldn't fit the blockchain right now anyway.
Testing further, seems Apollo II device and 2.0.4 OS aren't connecting to Apollo I standard units even after several minutes, maybe just a USB issue?