***Noob question***
Hey everyone!
I just received my 1st MLD2 yesterday and I had it up and running in no time! It was working fine for the last 24 hours until I tried to add an antrouter to Litecoinpool.org. I created a second worker on litepool for the antrouter, plugged in the pool address stratum+tcp://us.litecoinpool.org:3333, and then bam as soon as that thing started mining my MLD2 stopped mining.
[2018-02-07 21:32:44] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
[2018-02-07 21:32:44] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
[2018-02-07 21:32:44] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
[2018-02-07 21:32:44] Pool: 0 URL: stratum+tcp://us.litecoinpool.org:3333 User: BurtNasty.1 Password: 1,d=128
This is what I have in the batch file:
bfgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://us.litecoinpool.org:3333 -u BurtNasty.1 -p 1,d=128 -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=600
I have tried the following:
Restarting BFG Miner -lights flash for a few seconds then just the green light stays constant.
Deleting and reinstalling the drivers
Deleting all workers except my original which is what the MLD was working under.
unplugging and resetting antrouters
Starting over from scratch
None of these had any effect, and now all three of my miners are not working!
all three miners are brand new.
Can someone please help me get back to mining again. I apologize if this was posted before, i tried to do a search.
I had a similar issue with just using BFGminer by itself. There's a pool that I mine regularly with my Gridseed Rig (yes, I still have those) But when I'd put the info into my .bat file, it would tell me the same thing "No servers were found that could be used to get work from....."
I know it works, because my Gridseed Rig was mining it and I copied/pasted info, so there were no typos. I use MultiMiner for my Gridseed Rig, so I put it on my laptop which is where I've been using my MLD's, and upgraded the BFGminer to the one with the MLD drivers. I imported my 'coin config' file and started mining the pool that I was having issues with in BFGminer by itself using the .bat file. I've been mining to the pool ever since without issues @ a 756clock on stock pot settings and stock fans. Still, to this day, I'll get curious and try BFGminer's .bat to that pool and it still wont go. I can use the .bat file to hit any other pool I belong to, no problem. Just one pool. Totally weird. Officially stopped worrying about it, since I prefer MultiMiner anyway.
Ok, I downloaded Multiminer and on startup it goes to automatically download BFGminer i get the following error msg:
Error code 0x80004005
Online Error Code Explanation:
This problem may occur if a file that the Windows Product Activation (WPA) requires is damaged or missing. This behavior occurs if one or both of the following conditions are true:
A third-party backup utility or an antivirus program interferes with the installation of Windows XP.
A file that WPA requires is manually modified.
I've tried disabling my antivirus and manually installing BFGminer to Path\To\MultiMiner\Miners\BFGMiner.
Still Nothing....
I have an older laptop I use for BTC mining, so i tired to setup the MLD2 on it to see if my new laptop was the issue and i get the same original error message that i posted yesterday from BFGminer..... I am unbelievably frustrated...
I'm almost to the point where if anyone wants to come to the house to help me i can pay in beer...
I have another MLD2 out for delivery today, when it comes in i will try that one to see if the issue is the MLD itself (i doubt it)