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[5/9/2014 2:46:09 AM] Brandon Casten: Look forward to speaking soon.
[5/9/2014 2:46:15 AM] brandon.casten: Bart,
[5/9/2014 5:26:47 AM] *** Bart van Oort has shared contact details with Brandon Casten. ***
[5/10/2014 1:19:07 AM] Bart van Oort: Hi brandon, just let me know 10 minutes in advance and ill be ready whenever you are
[5/10/2014 10:35:34 PM] Brandon Casten: Hi Bart, Can you chat now?
[5/10/2014 10:36:04 PM] Bart van Oort: yes, but my internet connection at this moment is too weak for voice
[5/10/2014 10:36:11 PM] Bart van Oort: im on public wifi
[5/10/2014 10:36:50 PM] Bart van Oort: I just finalized the backup plan for the route to take with Satoshi Poker if a sale doesn't occur
[5/10/2014 10:36:50 PM] Brandon Casten: That's ok. I'd prefer to be able to talk, so we can shoot for another time. I might have time later today or sometime tomorrow
[5/10/2014 10:37:19 PM] Bart van Oort: gimme 1 minute, let me get some phone credit and 3G package
[5/10/2014 10:37:46 PM] Brandon Casten: Sounds good.
[5/12/2014 1:19:47 AM] Bart van Oort: hi brandon will you be at the bitcoin summit in amsterdam?
[5/12/2014 5:11:20 AM] Brandon Casten: Hi Bart, Unfortunately, I was unable to make the trip. Would have loved it...
[5/12/2014 5:28:56 AM] Bart van Oort: It looks like i have to miss kt as well
[5/12/2014 5:29:30 AM] Bart van Oort: Kinda ironic. Bitcoin meeting in my home town, and owner of only dutch based poker site can't come...
[5/12/2014 5:29:45 AM] Bart van Oort: Will try everything possible though to still get there
[5/12/2014 5:30:05 AM] Bart van Oort: I worked out the ultimate backuo plan for sp
[5/12/2014 5:30:13 AM] Bart van Oort: What is ur poker site btw?
[5/12/2014 5:30:22 AM] Bart van Oort: Ill step by and play some hands ;)
[5/12/2014 6:40:07 PM] Brandon Casten: Ya I hope you can! My site is Still in development at this point
[5/12/2014 6:47:13 PM] Bart van Oort: Im signed up for the mailing list. Even if burnturn and sp turn out to have a separate future, ill come over and put in some time at the tables with my site pro :)
[5/12/2014 6:47:57 PM] Bart van Oort: Almost got my ticket back to holland covered to attend the bitcoin summit in amsterdam
[5/12/2014 6:49:40 PM] Bart van Oort: Since most of my investors are attending putting up together about 750 coins, i think i can find 50 more to continue it
[5/13/2014 6:46:40 PM] Brandon Casten: Sounds good Bart. So are you no longer interested in selling?
[5/13/2014 6:47:15 PM] Bart van Oort: i still am, but I need to have a backup plan if i can't find a buyer
[5/13/2014 6:48:01 PM] Brandon Casten: well I am very interested. I sent an email with my final questions that I need to review…did you see it?
[5/13/2014 6:48:31 PM] Bart van Oort: oh wow
[5/13/2014 6:48:44 PM] Bart van Oort: it seems like the missus has opened the mail...
[5/13/2014 6:48:54 PM] Bart van Oort: didnt notice i had new
[5/13/2014 6:51:44 PM] Brandon Casten: Haha. Just let me know when you have a chance to review. I'm off to a meeting now, but will be in touch.
[5/13/2014 6:52:26 PM] Bart van Oort: ok great, I will get you the financial data
[5/13/2014 6:52:41 PM] Brandon Casten: Thank you.
[5/15/2014 12:45:14 AM] *** Brandon Casten created a group conversation with plo8 monster.
Show group conversation ***
[5/15/2014 12:46:02 AM] Bart van Oort: Site pro said: he can call me, [edit: phone number removed] after noon tommorow
[5/15/2014 2:32:23 AM] Brandon Casten: Hi Bart, I have to admit I hate contracts, so I reached out to Enterra. I didn't mention your name, but they indicated that they would be ok transferring your account. I was hoping to talk to Dimitry at Enterra to discuss the details of your contract, but I obviously need your permission to do so. Would you be able to send Dimitry and email and copy me? Just let him know that you give me permission to discuss your account. My attarney is headed to Amsterdam right now, so he could potentially meet you in person with a sale agreement at the conference...
[5/15/2014 2:44:47 AM] Bart van Oort: Well this is the issue at enterra
[5/15/2014 2:45:01 AM] Bart van Oort: They gave 3 dmitry's as they are russian...
[5/15/2014 2:45:24 AM] Bart van Oort: I reached out to dmitry starostenkov who is CEO
[5/15/2014 2:45:51 AM] Bart van Oort: If you have spoken to ushakov i can reach out to him as well
[5/15/2014 2:55:35 AM] Brandon Casten: That's funny. It was Ushakov. I spoke to Jeremy on the phone but he said he needs Ushakov's approval
[5/15/2014 3:06:19 AM] Bart van Oort: Jeremy is like the sales assistant
[5/15/2014 3:06:49 AM] Bart van Oort: And when you do any business with enterra I advice you to avoid him like the plague
[5/15/2014 3:06:57 AM] Brandon Casten: haha. ok sounds good
[5/15/2014 3:07:04 AM] Bart van Oort: He makes promises because he is commission based
[5/15/2014 3:07:33 AM] Bart van Oort: And then ushakov and others say: did he promise that?
[5/15/2014 3:07:42 AM] Bart van Oort: And then jeremy denies
[5/15/2014 3:07:50 AM] Bart van Oort: I met this guy in person
[5/15/2014 3:08:00 AM] Bart van Oort: If ur in tampa go see him in person
[5/15/2014 3:08:08 AM] Bart van Oort: And base ur opinion on it
[5/15/2014 3:08:11 AM] Brandon Casten: Thank you for the heads up. I will work with Dimitry. I will see them in person.
[5/15/2014 3:08:27 AM] Bart van Oort: Not coming to same conclusion will cause you to lose a lot
[5/15/2014 3:08:38 AM] Bart van Oort: Ushakov?
[5/15/2014 3:08:49 AM] Bart van Oort: Does he require my permission?
[5/15/2014 3:10:16 AM] Brandon Casten: I just want to discuss the specifics of your account with Ushakov and he obviously can't do that without your permission. I just want to make sure that I can in fact transfer the agreement and start with a clean slate
[5/15/2014 3:50:28 AM] Bart van Oort: I asked him to grant you this permission 2h ago
[5/15/2014 3:55:59 AM] Bart van Oort: Im on mobile: can you add Dmitry Ushakov to the convo?
[5/15/2014 3:56:47 AM] Bart van Oort: And if u reallt want to play it well, you let lift on it
[5/15/2014 3:57:36 AM] Bart van Oort: We were about to sky rocket until we faced an unexpected bill...
[5/15/2014 3:58:15 AM] Bart van Oort: Just to put it clear: i had to pay $8200 to these guys
[5/15/2014 3:58:27 AM] Bart van Oort: Didnt have the money and used money of customers
[5/15/2014 3:58:49 AM] Bart van Oort: Thinking the buffer was tight but enough
[5/15/2014 3:58:59 AM] Bart van Oort: Buffer turned out to be too tight
[5/15/2014 3:59:13 AM] Bart van Oort: And so: not enough
[5/15/2014 4:00:00 AM] Bart van Oort: And even though sp was my dream and has a big future ahead, i have to take my responsabilities for my player's sake
[5/15/2014 4:00:47 AM] Bart van Oort: Back against the wall. Selling a movement (not a project) at 20% of the investments in software
[5/15/2014 4:00:59 AM] Bart van Oort: Let alone the marketing...
[5/15/2014 4:30:04 AM] Brandon Casten: Thank you for all of the info. Did Dimitry say that he can chat with me?
[5/15/2014 10:06:21 AM] Bart van Oort: nope
[5/15/2014 10:06:25 AM] Bart van Oort: i havent spoken to ushakov
[5/15/2014 10:06:48 AM] Bart van Oort: just dmitry starostenkov (CEO of enterra) stating transfer of license is not an issue
[5/15/2014 10:08:04 AM] Brandon Casten: I'd be fine talking to him too. As long as I can have a discussion with on of their key executives, I can make a final decision.
[5/15/2014 10:08:45 AM] Bart van Oort: so just to make it clear for me
[5/15/2014 10:09:34 AM] Bart van Oort: if one of their key officials (dmitry or dmitry as jeremy's word is worth nothing) confirms that the license is transferable for this move, you are ready to move forward?
[5/15/2014 10:10:36 AM] Brandon Casten: As long as it is transferable and as long as I can have a clean slate with no debt inheritance, it is almost certain and I will have my lawyer draw up a contract and present it to you in Amsterdam
[5/15/2014 10:10:57 AM] Brandon Casten: I will be taking on the 14 BTC of debt though of course
[5/15/2014 10:11:17 AM] Bart van Oort: buying price is 25, of which i will take on the 14 btc...
[5/15/2014 10:13:25 AM] Brandon Casten: I'd like to talk to the enter team first and then we can discuss in greater detail, but I will move very quickly if everything checks out
[5/15/2014 10:13:46 AM] Brandon Casten: My computer auto-corrected, but I meant Enterra team
[5/15/2014 10:13:47 AM] Bart van Oort: me and plo8monster are the entire team
[5/15/2014 10:13:52 AM] Bart van Oort: ah ok
[5/15/2014 10:13:54 AM] Bart van Oort: :)
[5/15/2014 10:13:58 AM] Brandon Casten: Haha
[5/15/2014 10:14:09 AM] Brandon Casten: I'd like to talk with them tomorrow if possible
[5/15/2014 10:14:15 AM] Brandon Casten: But I move quickly
[5/15/2014 10:14:25 AM] Bart van Oort:
[5/15/2014 10:14:40 AM] Bart van Oort: players of our site are considering a group buy :P
[5/15/2014 10:16:10 AM] Brandon Casten: That's cool. I just want to do some due diligence here. I don't make business decisions without getting to know my potential partners. If I can't talk to Enterra before making a deal, I am simply uninterested
[5/15/2014 10:17:20 AM] Bart van Oort: i completely understand
[5/15/2014 10:17:46 AM] Bart van Oort: i just want you to know that only dmitry ushakov and dmitry starostenkov are able to make a final decision
[5/15/2014 10:17:59 AM] Bart van Oort: i wouldnt want you to make a decision based on jeremy's promises
[5/15/2014 10:18:06 AM] Bart van Oort: did that before and caused me harm
[5/15/2014 10:18:22 AM] Bart van Oort: yes i want to sell, but only if you understand fully what you are buying ;)
[5/15/2014 10:18:40 AM] Brandon Casten: I understand that Jeremy is not a decision maker. That's why I want to talk to a Dimitry
[5/15/2014 10:18:58 AM] Bart van Oort: but you are from tampa. you probably already did a check on jeremy, so you already know whats up ;)
[5/15/2014 10:19:07 AM] Bart van Oort: let me make things easier
[5/15/2014 10:19:32 AM] *** Bart van Oort created a group conversation with Dmitry Ushakov, Dmitry Starostenkov.
Show group conversation ***
[5/15/2014 10:20:22 AM] Bart van Oort: that is easier ;)
[5/15/2014 10:20:45 AM] Brandon Casten: Agreed. Thank you. I will seek a meeting tomorrow with them.
[5/15/2014 10:21:41 AM] Bart van Oort: thanks :)
[5/15/2014 10:21:53 AM] Bart van Oort: and I'm sorry for doing so much in skype
[5/15/2014 10:21:58 AM] Bart van Oort: it is just quicker...
[5/15/2014 10:24:55 AM] Brandon Casten: That's ok. Appreciate your accessability
[5/15/2014 10:25:31 AM] Brandon Casten: I've got an early start tomorrow so heading to bed, but I'll be in touch. Have a great night
[5/15/2014 10:43:23 AM] Bart van Oort: ok thanks
[5/15/2014 10:43:28 AM] Bart van Oort: have a great rest as well
[5/16/2014 1:59:31 AM] Bart van Oort: jeremy just asked permission to speak with you :)
[5/16/2014 2:00:56 AM] Brandon Casten: Yes, we are meeting tomorrow!
[5/16/2014 2:01:04 AM] Brandon Casten: Are you still going to Amsterdam?
[5/16/2014 2:02:03 AM] Bart van Oort: only if sale is done in time
[5/16/2014 2:02:06 AM] Bart van Oort: i am broke ;)
[5/16/2014 2:02:36 AM] Bart van Oort: if i had gone there i could easily raise another 50 coins for sp
[5/16/2014 2:03:00 AM] Brandon Casten: I hear you. Too bad...
[5/16/2014 2:04:31 AM] Bart van Oort: ultimate waste
[5/16/2014 3:04:58 AM] Bart van Oort: let me know how the conversation with Jeremy went :)
[5/16/2014 3:30:15 AM] Brandon Casten: Will do. I'm meeting with him tomorrow morning
[5/16/2014 3:30:30 AM] Bart van Oort: ok great :)
[5/17/2014 2:03:50 AM] Brandon Casten: Bart, one more question. Plo8Monster indicated that he is owed 8 BTC. Is this on top of the 14 that you owe to the other players? I met with Enterra today and am confutable on that end. I need to know exactly what is owed to the players of your site.
[5/17/2014 10:10:12 AM] Bart van Oort: 14 is owed to the players and 8 btc was originally a stake to plo8monster which he more than earned
[5/17/2014 10:10:28 AM] Bart van Oort: so yes, i owe him this 8
[5/17/2014 10:10:57 AM] Bart van Oort: hence the reason I said I'm selling for 25 to pay players and have a ticket home
[5/17/2014 2:05:09 PM] Brandon Casten: I'm disappointed that you weren't honest with me on that
[5/18/2014 12:12:22 AM] Brandon Casten: Bart- I just sent you an email with my offer
[5/18/2014 1:08:46 AM] Bart van Oort: hey just got home
[5/18/2014 2:18:15 AM] Bart van Oort: Sent a reply to the email. As it is basically what we have discussed since start I agree
[5/18/2014 2:38:55 AM] Bart van Oort: I apologize about the confusion regarding plo8monsters account
[5/18/2014 2:39:04 AM] Bart van Oort: I was assuming you were aware about it
[5/18/2014 2:39:20 AM] Bart van Oort: As i tols u im selling for player balances amd a ticket home
[5/18/2014 2:39:49 AM] Bart van Oort: As you can see 3 btc is more realistic for a ticket than 3+8btc...
[5/18/2014 7:20:59 PM] Bart van Oort: hi brandon, have you seen my last email regarding plo8monster?
[5/18/2014 10:56:14 PM] Bart van Oort: ?
[5/18/2014 10:57:24 PM] Brandon Casten: Hey just got home and saw it. I cannot distribute funds until we wrap the deal up. I have investors and have to act on their behalf as well. Hopefully we can get this done quickly and it won't matter. I have a call with my lawyer in a hour
[5/18/2014 10:58:23 PM] Bart van Oort: ok thank you
[5/18/2014 10:59:15 PM] Brandon Casten: But I certainly want to make sure he's taken care of and hope we can all start making money together sometime soon!
[5/18/2014 10:59:32 PM] Bart van Oort: i hope so
[5/18/2014 10:59:53 PM] Bart van Oort: however time is running out on both me and plo8monster
[5/18/2014 11:00:05 PM] Bart van Oort: i wont pressure you though, i just hope we can complete this asap
[5/18/2014 11:00:22 PM] Brandon Casten: My lawyer works fast, so we should have everything drawn up by Wednesday or so.
[5/18/2014 11:05:28 PM] Bart van Oort: i thought the deal was wrapped up
[5/18/2014 11:05:37 PM] Bart van Oort: you gave me an offer and I agreed...
[5/18/2014 11:05:55 PM] Bart van Oort: a simple contract could be done in an hour
[5/18/2014 11:06:02 PM] Bart van Oort: if he works fast that is 30 minutes...
[5/18/2014 11:06:46 PM] Bart van Oort: not trying to pressure you but i told you about the urgency of the situation
[5/18/2014 11:07:06 PM] Bart van Oort: by wednesday plo8monster will be without electrics or internet and ill probably be in thai jail
[5/18/2014 11:10:02 PM] Brandon Casten: I will try and hasten things as much as I can, but I cannot proceed without a formal contract in place. If you can be prepared to get a document with everything that I need for the transfer (passwords, etc.) that would help as well. When I talk to the lawyer, I'll see if he can get something done right away
[5/18/2014 11:10:21 PM] Bart van Oort: ok
[5/18/2014 11:10:30 PM] Bart van Oort: i will have all passwords and logins and everything ready
[5/18/2014 11:10:49 PM] Brandon Casten: Enough of these notes please. I am running a business and cannot make hasty decisions.
[5/18/2014 11:11:06 PM] Bart van Oort: what notes? that i will have everything ready?
[5/18/2014 11:11:21 PM] Brandon Casten: The note to Randy was uneccesary
[5/18/2014 11:11:35 PM] Bart van Oort: he is about to get shut off from internet
[5/18/2014 11:11:46 PM] Bart van Oort: and i thought we had already reached an agreement
[5/18/2014 11:12:04 PM] Bart van Oort: didn't know you were still thinking about the decision to make
[5/18/2014 11:12:11 PM] Bart van Oort: i thought the rest was just formality
[5/18/2014 11:12:14 PM] Brandon Casten: We have a verbal commitment. I told you in the email that I need the contract in place and we still have to get Enterra
[5/18/2014 11:12:54 PM] Bart van Oort: enterra already agreed to sign the license over
[5/18/2014 11:13:36 PM] Brandon Casten: I know, but I don't have a contract from them either. I cannot afford to just take people's word. I need contracts
[5/18/2014 11:14:16 PM] Bart van Oort: i will do my best to stall things till wednesday
[5/18/2014 11:14:34 PM] Bart van Oort: but i can't guarantee this
[5/18/2014 11:14:37 PM] Brandon Casten: I am awaiting Jeremy if you want to put pressure on him to get me the amendment
[5/18/2014 11:15:18 PM] Bart van Oort: get it from dimi
[5/18/2014 11:25:54 PM] Bart van Oort: ok that is tackled
[5/23/2014 2:39:16 AM] Brandon Casten: Hi Bart, Did you get the email from Keith in a readable format?
[5/23/2014 3:45:31 AM] Bart van Oort: Not yet...
[5/23/2014 3:47:27 AM] Bart van Oort: Cant i just send him over the credentials?
[5/23/2014 3:47:45 AM] Brandon Casten: He has a more extensive list. I will copy and paste it to you
[5/23/2014 3:47:51 AM] Bart van Oort: Ok
[5/23/2014 3:58:09 AM] Bart van Oort: My apologies, didnt see i was in wrong chat
[5/23/2014 3:58:28 AM] Brandon Casten: Thats ok
[5/23/2014 3:58:43 AM] Brandon Casten: Let's finish via email. Thank you!
[5/23/2014 3:58:58 AM] Bart van Oort: Ok i will
[5/24/2014 2:24:19 AM] Bart van Oort: I see your CTO has shut down SP?
[5/24/2014 2:24:33 AM] Bart van Oort: is he satisfied by the info?
[5/24/2014 2:28:05 AM] Brandon Casten: He will have a few follow ups tomorrow but mostly has what he needs. Thank you!
[5/24/2014 2:28:19 AM] Bart van Oort: no problem
[5/24/2014 2:28:25 AM] Bart van Oort: im far from a technician
[5/24/2014 2:28:37 AM] Bart van Oort: so i had enterra handle all and had built what they couldnt ;)
[5/24/2014 2:29:13 AM] Brandon Casten: Haha. No worries. We will follow up together so we can send as few emails as possible. Thank you for the help
[5/24/2014 2:34:23 AM] Bart van Oort: one thing though
[5/24/2014 2:34:34 AM] Bart van Oort: im sorry for being kinda anal in the past when i was in thailand
[5/24/2014 2:34:44 AM] Bart van Oort: you have to understand i had over 20 possible buyers
[5/24/2014 2:34:51 AM] Bart van Oort: but most of them were just wasting time
[5/24/2014 2:35:01 AM] Bart van Oort: it almost got me locked up
[5/24/2014 3:15:57 AM] Bart van Oort: you said in the future you wish to keep me on board of the project
[5/24/2014 3:16:13 AM] Bart van Oort: can you give me an indication on how exactly you envision that
[5/24/2014 4:31:27 AM] Brandon Casten: I understand. I'd prefer to have a discussion about your future role with SP, but I certainly would like to keep you on as an operator and promoter, but let's touch base next week to dicsuss
[5/24/2014 4:33:18 AM] Bart van Oort: alright
[5/24/2014 4:34:14 AM] Brandon Casten: I'll be in touch as soon as we can figure out exactly what we need and then you and I can find a time to talk. Until then, have a nice weekend :)
[5/24/2014 4:49:48 AM] Bart van Oort: thanks a lot
[5/24/2014 4:49:50 AM] Bart van Oort: you too :)
[5/24/2014 6:24:33 AM] Bart van Oort: can you tell ur CTO it is pointless to send me pgp emails? i can't read them
[5/26/2014 7:58:53 PM] Bart van Oort: brendan, somebody wants t know about his balance on sp
[5/26/2014 7:59:10 PM] Bart van Oort: do you have any idea how much time is needed to finalize all?
[5/27/2014 4:36:17 AM] Bart van Oort: [Monday, May 26, 2014 11:11 PM] Brian Santos:
<<< You should come up with a joint statement along with the buyer to calm a few people down in the forum...
[5/27/2014 4:37:30 AM] Brandon Casten: Let's discuss this and also your role with SP moving forward. Do you have time in about an hour?
[5/27/2014 4:40:56 AM] Bart van Oort: sure
[5/27/2014 4:41:20 AM] Brandon Casten: I'll call you via Skype within an hour or so
[5/27/2014 4:41:32 AM] Bart van Oort: alright
[5/27/2014 4:43:31 AM] Brandon Casten: Actually will now work?
[5/27/2014 4:43:49 AM] Bart van Oort: sure give me 1 sec
[5/27/2014 4:44:19 AM] Brandon Casten: OK cool
[5/27/2014 4:45:04 AM] *** Call to Brandon Casten, busy. ***
[5/27/2014 4:46:08 AM] Bart van Oort: ready whenever you are
[5/27/2014 4:46:58 AM] Brandon Casten: Hey Sorry. My CTO just called with a somewhat emergency
[5/27/2014 4:47:03 AM] Bart van Oort: ok no problem
[5/27/2014 5:17:50 AM] *** Call from Brandon Casten ***
[5/27/2014 5:27:09 AM] Bart van Oort:
[5/27/2014 5:43:25 AM] *** Call ended, duration 25:35 ***
[5/29/2014 2:22:55 AM] Brandon Casten: Bart did you receive my follow up email the other day?
[5/29/2014 11:31:14 AM] Bart van Oort: Yes i have received it. Since i continued working after flight i caught myself bearly burning out so took a day off
[5/29/2014 11:31:54 AM] Bart van Oort: 6 AM now, just woke. Gonna get some coffee and have some breakfast and will get all done afterwards :)
[5/29/2014 6:35:20 PM] Brandon Casten: Thank you. :)
[6/5/2014 1:46:10 PM] Bart van Oort: brandon, please send me ragnar's email address
[6/7/2014 3:59:37 PM] Bart van Oort: ragnar is admin
[6/7/2014 4:00:05 PM] Bart van Oort: could you please provide me more information on when you will allow the current players to cash out?
[6/8/2014 10:40:28 PM] Bart van Oort: ?
[6/9/2014 12:34:15 AM] Bart van Oort: people are already starting to ask questions
[6/13/2014 8:22:54 PM] Bart van Oort: Let me know when ur available for voice...
[6/13/2014 8:23:32 PM] Bart van Oort: Perhaps quicker to resolve this way
[6/13/2014 8:23:51 PM] Brandon Casten: Hey I'm running out to a meeting now but will be back in about an hour and a half? Yes, I think it'll be a lot easier via skype
[6/13/2014 8:24:22 PM] Bart van Oort: Ok, just let me know when ur available. My schedule is mostly free
[6/13/2014 8:24:33 PM] Brandon Casten: Sounds good. Thank you.
[6/13/2014 9:50:58 PM] Bart van Oort: Im in
[6/13/2014 9:51:19 PM] Bart van Oort: There isnt any 2-factor
[6/13/2014 9:51:42 PM] Brandon Casten: Why is it asking my CTO and I for two factor? That is so weird
[6/13/2014 9:51:49 PM] Bart van Oort: It told me: there was suspicious activity, change ur password
[6/13/2014 9:51:50 PM] Bart van Oort: Idk
[6/13/2014 9:52:41 PM] Brandon Casten: This is frustrating. can you change it to brandon02 and I'll try again?
[6/13/2014 9:52:56 PM] Bart van Oort: Ok let me try
[6/13/2014 9:53:49 PM] Brandon Casten: Aslo, see if there is an option to give control of the account to someone else. Maybe that's what we need to do...
[6/13/2014 9:54:42 PM] Bart van Oort: U tried to sign in with tor
[6/13/2014 9:55:05 PM] Brandon Casten: I was using safari
[6/13/2014 9:55:17 PM] Brandon Casten: my CTO probably used tor
[6/13/2014 9:55:39 PM] Bart van Oort:
donderdag 12 juni 2014 19:34:51 uur UTC
IP-adres: (
Locatie: Palo Alto, Californië, Verenigde Staten
[6/13/2014 9:56:17 PM] Brandon Casten: So were you able to get in and change the password?
[6/13/2014 9:57:57 PM] Bart van Oort: Changed it to bertus01 when i had to choose new one
[6/13/2014 9:58:23 PM] Bart van Oort: When i want to change it thru the email i get the same questions as earlier
[6/13/2014 9:58:31 PM] Bart van Oort: Phone number etc
[6/13/2014 9:58:37 PM] Brandon Casten: I'm in! Should be ok
[6/13/2014 9:58:47 PM] Bart van Oort: Ok great
[6/13/2014 9:59:40 PM] Brandon Casten: Everything is in dutch. Do you by chance know where the language selection is :)
[6/13/2014 10:01:09 PM] Bart van Oort: Good question
[6/13/2014 10:01:15 PM] Bart van Oort: Isnt it in the url?
[6/13/2014 10:01:25 PM] Bart van Oort: Lang=NL
[6/13/2014 10:01:30 PM] Bart van Oort: Change it to EN
[6/13/2014 10:02:20 PM] Brandon Casten: It's not in the url
[6/13/2014 10:02:44 PM] Bart van Oort: Ok
[6/13/2014 10:03:18 PM] Bart van Oort: I dont know from the top of my head how to change the language
[6/13/2014 10:03:31 PM] Bart van Oort: Settings is called "instellingen"
[6/13/2014 10:03:57 PM] Brandon Casten: What's the dutch word for "language"
[6/13/2014 10:05:14 PM] Bart van Oort: Taal
[6/13/2014 10:05:46 PM] Bart van Oort: And dutch in dutch is "Nederlands"
[6/13/2014 10:06:09 PM] Bart van Oort: There has got to be a youtube vid about this?
[6/13/2014 10:07:26 PM] Brandon Casten: For sure! Thank you for the help :)
[6/13/2014 10:07:41 PM] Bart van Oort: :)
[6/18/2014 5:46:07 PM] Bart van Oort: brandon, when will you start covering players?
[6/18/2014 7:14:37 PM] Brandon Casten: We are crediting accounts when we relaunch the site. Hopefully next week.
[6/18/2014 7:24:50 PM] Brandon Casten: Also, Can you reply to my CTO's email? We would already been launched by now if it were not for dealing with name cheap. They cancelled the server despite us trying to pay the back BTC that was owed. We cannot get some of the key files that we need
[6/18/2014 7:25:11 PM] Brandon Casten: Namecheap has been terrible to try to work with...
[6/18/2014 7:52:11 PM] Bart van Oort: let me check my email
[6/18/2014 7:52:31 PM] Bart van Oort: namecheap doesn't have a grace period for bitcoin based services
[6/18/2014 7:52:57 PM] Brandon Casten: That's fine, they've just been a bunch of bitches as we've tried to reinstate the servers
[6/18/2014 7:54:20 PM] Bart van Oort: true
[6/18/2014 7:55:48 PM] Bart van Oort: keith has to stop sending me these things
[6/18/2014 7:55:55 PM] Bart van Oort: let me show you what I receive per email:
[6/18/2014 7:56:05 PM] Bart van Oort: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
[6/18/2014 7:56:25 PM] Bart van Oort: I can't read this and I can't help him out if he can't send me a normal email :)
[6/18/2014 8:02:05 PM] Brandon Casten: He uses PGP. I'll have him send me the note he sent you
[6/18/2014 8:14:16 PM] Bart van Oort: thanks
[6/19/2014 1:18:28 AM] Brandon Casten: He resent the message
[6/19/2014 4:32:57 AM] Brandon Casten: Also, which service were you using for mass emails to the SP users? I am trying to send an email to everyone, but mail chimp just cut me off
[6/19/2014 4:33:02 AM] Brandon Casten: They don't like poker sites
[6/25/2014 4:29:18 AM] Brandon Casten: Bart, we are ready to launch the site as soon as you can get my CTO those files. This is really holding us up...
[6/25/2014 4:30:08 AM] Bart van Oort: as i told you i don't have backups of those files. i sent the contact info of the developper to keith
[6/25/2014 4:30:31 AM] Brandon Casten: yes, that guy is not responding. Do you know him well?
[6/25/2014 4:32:20 AM] Bart van Oort: he helped me out a few times when there were issues with the backend
[6/25/2014 4:32:31 AM] Bart van Oort: it are basically 3 php files
[6/25/2014 4:32:49 AM] Bart van Oort: why did your cto get the sql's but not the php files :)
[6/25/2014 4:32:50 AM] Bart van Oort: :(
[6/25/2014 5:04:09 AM] Brandon Casten: So there's nothing you can do to give this guy motivation to get us the files?
[6/25/2014 5:04:40 AM] Bart van Oort: he is not sure he has them
[6/25/2014 5:04:44 AM] Bart van Oort: he said he will look
[6/25/2014 5:04:52 AM] Bart van Oort: just add him to ur skype: eric.lombrozo
[6/25/2014 5:48:34 AM] Brandon Casten: he does have him but your guy isn't responding
[6/25/2014 6:00:39 AM] Bart van Oort: ok
[6/25/2014 6:00:44 AM] Bart van Oort: no luck with namecheap either?
[6/25/2014 6:01:05 AM] Bart van Oort: eric built this all in one day though
[6/25/2014 6:01:29 AM] Bart van Oort: ur cto has the api docs he has the sql, he should be able to have it rebuilt in a day
[6/25/2014 6:03:17 AM] Bart van Oort: eric isnt responding to me right now as well
[6/25/2014 6:03:41 AM] Bart van Oort: i asked a mutual friend who has some business with him to point out the urgency ;)
[6/25/2014 7:17:15 AM] Brandon Casten: Thank you. No. Name cheap already cancelled your account so the files were gone
[7/4/2014 2:03:12 PM] Bart van Oort: hi brandon
[7/4/2014 2:05:38 PM] Bart van Oort: enterra has their bitcoin backends already up and running
[7/4/2014 2:05:51 PM] Bart van Oort: i don't see why you aren't keeping your part of the agreement
[7/4/2014 2:07:51 PM] Bart van Oort: my question to you is: do you wish to honour the agreement or do you wish to undo it
[7/4/2014 2:09:11 PM] Bart van Oort: you are forcing me into a serious corner here by not living up to the agreement
[7/4/2014 2:10:04 PM] Bart van Oort: besides you have been lying to me about your real intentions and you have been lying to others about the reason for delay
[7/4/2014 2:14:34 PM] Bart van Oort: so my question to you is:
[7/4/2014 2:14:43 PM] Bart van Oort: how do you wish to move forward
[7/4/2014 2:15:13 PM] Bart van Oort: i am about to get sued over these balances and apperantly i cant count on your words, not even on a signed contract
[7/4/2014 2:21:01 PM] Bart van Oort: as stated on various sites, burnturn will launch in late 2014
[7/4/2014 2:21:16 PM] Bart van Oort: and i wont let my players wait till then to get paid
[7/4/2014 2:40:06 PM] Bart van Oort: the very least you could do is publish a page on explaining to players why they are waiting
[7/5/2014 9:20:33 PM] Brandon Casten: Bart- You are not in a position to learn my corporate plans. I intend to honor the agreement, which did not include a timeframe, so you will know when everyone else does.
[7/6/2014 6:52:13 AM] Bart van Oort: I guess you should reread the agreement in that case
[7/6/2014 6:52:46 AM] Bart van Oort: And i highly suggest you refrain from spreading false information regarding the cause of delay
[7/6/2014 6:54:45 AM] Bart van Oort: I will make a post regarding the sale today and the current situation as i can't deny the players clarity any longer
[7/6/2014 6:55:25 AM] Bart van Oort: I'll have you and ragnar preread it though to allow you a chance for input on it
[7/6/2014 6:57:53 AM] Bart van Oort: And just for the record: i didnt lose the deposit/withdrawal files, you moved servers and 'forgot' them, then had the dedi subscription expire
[7/6/2014 6:59:24 AM] Bart van Oort: You stating things like this really made your true intentions clear and has shown me your integrity regarding this matter
[7/6/2014 7:00:20 AM] Bart van Oort: With me being in a better financial position, i will start making preparations to take further steps in case you continue to dishonor the agreement
[7/9/2014 11:43:24 AM] Bart van Oort: see you in court