But please make a difference between manufacturer and business parter. For sure amt Is/was and is still doing business with them but manufacturer I can agree to that if I get their 4 chip board in the next couple of days. But this ain't going to happen
So marto's post proves my words
Just a resume. I MANUFACTURED some fury boards for amt amt manufacturer but now I am not going to do it for coincrafts.
Do you have a comprehension problem?
They did not come to agreement on the terms to manufacture coincraft boards for AMT.
Are you trying to imply something else that is not in the text? Man... you are looking like a real idiot.
Manaficaturer means someone who is doing something way different to buy and resell. Got it?
Amt are just resellers. Probably they are making their first attempts to manufacture something and you are paying the bill for their trials and errors funny a? Who is the idiot now? You waiting for the miner to sell it on eBay or me the bigger idiot laughing at you. I do not mind to be the bigger idiot though
Bitmine.ch also likely a novice in manufacturing, so is BFL.
However, AMT alluded to the fact that the design was not theirs.
Further, the manufacturing is done by a contract manufacturer.
Was AMT too ambitious. I think so, that is why we see delays.