Few stupid questions:
1) If I bought, for example, 100 bitcoin at market under "margin trading", would that be the same as a market order on Bitstamp? Does this mean Bitfinex has an account on Bitstamp they use to then place the order?
2) Again, concerning the margin trading tab, is there a way to select the period of the loan? My understanding is that buying on margin would automatically borrow from one of the lenders on the lending page, but many of these appear to be for only 2 day periods. How would I know when the loan expires and what would happen at the end... would the position automatically close?
re: #1 -- you have control over how that order is placed by selecting the routing. You can route it to either the Bitstamp exchange or the internal Bitfinex exchange, or both (which is the default option). Then you can determine if it is a market or limit order on those exchanges. But yes Bitfinex has a big account on bitstamp and that is what ultimately runs your order if you fulfill it on Bitstamp. In that sense Bitfinex is a meta-exchange (but not so if you route it internally).
re: #2 -- The loan period is determined on the order you do it. For example, you could go on the lending page and borrow money. You would decide exactly what loans you take, for how much and for how long. If you have money already borrowed, then your margin trades use that loan money, so you know exactly what the terms are. If you go to the margin page first and run some trade, then you are asking the system to go out and secure loans for that trade as you need them for the trades your are doing. In that case you can set the loan durations and the maximum interest rates you will consider when you make the trade. If those criteria can be met from the existing loan providers, then your trade (and loan) will go through.
Thank you.
What happens if I deposited 10 bitcoins, purchased 15 bitcoins then on margin, and the price dropped ~66%> ? At that point the loan could not be covered by my deposit, so would the position automatically close?
I deposited 0.10 bitcoin just to play around, and purchased 0.15 on margin as a test. Here's what I see:
I assume this is who the funds were borrowed from:
Will the position auto close then if I don't before that expiration? If I close the loan on this page, does it auto sell at market?