OK - we are now stuck on 36.8% and a bit less than that for Core. So, there will be no fork and no change. Blockstream wins.
We need to make the rules such that the parties that don't vote, don't count. It will be very hard to get over 50% when so many miners are not indicating SegWit or BU. When throwing away the non-voters, we are presently at >51% for BU. Enough for a fork today.
you can't disregard the non voters, if BTU tries to fork while they are under 55%,
Core will overwrite your asses so quick it will make your head swim,
because they will have their 30% and the NonVoters 27.7% for a total of 57.7 % more than enough to control the chain.
Sorry you need to convince BW pool to join you , that would add ~5% and then you only need 7 to 10% of the nonvoters to join BTU to attempt a fork.
Before that and the BTU Fork will be the weaker chain.
You are going to have to wait , if Core pushes a Segwit hard fork, then you should break away right before it activates , so BTU should use a hard coded checkpoint to block core forever if that is how everything plays out.