Announcing BFGMiner 3.10, the modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C. BFGMiner features dynamic clocking, monitoring, and remote interface capabilities.
Rivals", or just
basically a
This code is provided entirely free of charge by the programmer, so donations would be greatly appreciated.
Please consider donating: 1QATWksNFGeUJCWBrN4g6hGM178Lovm7WhIf you are donating for a specific bugfix/feature request, please post the Issue number and it will be flagged as "
If you find a bug or have a suggestion, please check to see if it's
already been reported and, if not,
report it.
Help can also be obtained (or provided) by joining
Also, please note that this thread is for discussion of BFGMiner, its features and bugs - if you feel the need to troll or talk off-topic, start another forum thread (and PM me with it if you want my attention).
If you want to help develop BFGMiner, the best way to get in touch with me is
on IRC.
We also have
a development mailing list, mainly used to pre-announce upcoming releases for third-party packagers.
If you would like to be notified of new versions, please
join the announcement mailing list.
For miners using ModMiner, X6500, or ZTEX devices, you will need to download bitstreams for BFGMiner 3+ to work with your device. Download links and instructions are included in the README.FPGA file.
Latest release: 3.10.0 (
announcement & changes)
Stable release: 3.5.7Archive of all official release source & binariesFeatures:- A variety of device drivers for Bitcoin (SHA256d):
- Support for getblocktemplate decentralized mining protocol (no proxy needed!)
- Builtin stratum and getwork proxy server
- Scrypt support for both CPU and OpenCL (GPU) please note that this is for research; I do not personally support Litecoin
- Very low overhead free C code for Linux and Windows with very low CPU usage
- Long poll support - will use longpoll from any pool if primary pool does not support it
- epoll support for interrupting FPGA waiting when new work is available without timeout-looping
- Self detection of new blocks with a mini-database for slow/failing longpoll scenarios, maximum work efficiency and minimum rejects
- Heavily threaded code hands out work retrieval and work submission to separate threads to not hinder devices working
- Caching of submissions during transient network outages
- Preemptive fetching of work prior to completion of current work
- Local generation of more valid work (rollntime) whenever possible, as supported on a per-work item basis
- Prevention of stale work submission on new block (submitold also supported)
- Automatically detects failing pools and disables them
- Multi-device support (all or discrete selection)
- Summarised and discrete device data statistics of requests, accepts, rejects, hw errors, efficiency and utility
- Watchdog thread to restart idle threads but not crash machine if they don't respond
- Summary displayed when quitting
- Supports multiple pools with multiple intelligent failover mechanisms
- On the fly menu based management of most settings
- Trickling of extra work to backup pools if primary pool is responding but slow
- On the fly enabling/disable/restarting of devices
- Device temperature monitoring (for devices that support it)
- Reuses persistent connections when possible
- RPC +/- JSON interface for remote control
- Ability to cope with slow routers
- X-Reject-Reason support
- Lots of other stuff I can't remember. See options.
Sample output:
bfgminer version 3.10.0 - Started: [2013-08-20 02:03:56] - [ 0 days 00:35:05]
[M]anage devices [P]ool management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [H]elp [Q]uit
Connected to diff 32 with stratum as user 1QATWksNFGeUJCWBrN4g6hGM178Lovm7Wh
Block: ...a83dc890 #249720 Diff:31.3M (223.8Th/s) Started: [01:22:11]
ST:10 F:0 NB:5 AS:0 BW:[341/153 B/s] E:89.27 I: 6.58mBTC/hr BS:89.7k
7/36 77.0°C │ 90.13/91.42/92.50Gh/s │ A:2171 R:7+0(.49%) HW:430/.62%
BFL 0: 65.9°C │ 877.7/871.2/940.5Mh/s │ A: 20 R:0+0(none) HW: 0/none
BFL 1: 68.0°C │ 30.58/29.63/30.37Gh/s │ A: 733 R:3+0(.64%) HW: 8/.05%
BFL 2: 78.0°C │ 56.98/58.81/59.58Gh/s │ A:1379 R:4+0(.44%) HW:195/.68%
MMQ 0: 50.0°C │ 799.8/785.1/537.3Mh/s │ A: 15 R:0+0(none) HW: 21/5.7%
XBS 0: 48.2°C │ 398.0/400.3/ 8.18Mh/s │ A: 4 R:0+0(none) HW: 51/ 25%
ZTX 0: │ 198.5/197.6/196.7Mh/s │ A: 3 R:0+0(none) HW: 27/none
ZTX 1: │ 849.0/836.6/992.4Mh/s │ A: 20 R:0+0(none) HW:129/.70%
[2013-08-02 02:38:58.462496] Accepted 0321a601 BFL 2p pool 0 Diff 81/32
[2013-08-02 02:38:59.007820] Accepted 00c348b2 BFL 2d pool 0 Diff 335/32
[2013-08-02 02:38:59.133534] Accepted 05b3443a BFL 2n pool 0 Diff 44/32
[2013-08-02 02:38:59.785127] Accepted 07563198 ZTX 1a pool 0 Diff 34/32
Pool menu:
0: Enabled Strtm Priority 0: stratum+tcp:// User:1QATWksNFGeUJCWBrN4g6hGM178Lovm7Wh
1: Disabled GWork Priority 1: User:x
Current pool management strategy: Load Balance
[A]dd pool [R]emove pool [D]isable pool [E]nable pool
[C]hange management strategy [S]witch pool [I]nformation
Or press any other key to continue
Device management menu:
Select processor to manage using up/down arrow keys
MMQ 0d: 41.0°C │ 194.0/190.9/32.98Mh/s │ A: 4 R:0+0(none) HW: 0/none
ModMiner LJRalpha from BTCFPGA
Serial: 19191F145358077D4FAADA7AF5000004
Clock speed: 194
[D]isable [C]lock speed
Or press Enter when done
Select processor to manage using up/down arrow keys
OCL 0 : 77.0C | 272.2/272.2/265.7Mh/s | A:2992 R:13+0(.43%) HW:0/none
I:10 F: 69% (2655 RPM) E: 765 MHz M: 1000 MHz V: 1.088V A: 99% P: 0%
Last initialised: [2013-07-08 05:33:26]
Thread 0: 90.9 Mh/s Enabled ALIVE
Thread 1: 90.6 Mh/s Enabled ALIVE
Thread 2: 90.8 Mh/s Enabled ALIVE
[D]isable [I]ntensity [R]estart GPU [C]hange settings
Or press Enter when done
Change GPU settings menu:
Temp: 72.0 C
Fan Speed: 50% (4489 RPM)
Engine Clock: 950 MHz
Memory Clock: 825 Mhz
Vddc: 1.175 V
Activity: 99%
Powertune: 20%
Fan autotune is enabled (0-85)
GPU engine clock autotune is enabled (880-950)
Change [A]utomatic [E]ngine [F]an [M]emory [V]oltage [P]owertune
Or press any other key to continue
Settings menu:
[L]ongpoll: On
[Q]ueue: 0
[S]cantime: 60
[E]xpiry: 120
[R]etries: -1
[W]rite config file
[B]FGMiner restart
Select an option or any other key to return
Display menu:
[N]ormal [C]lear [S]ilent mode (disable all output)
[R]PC debug:off
[W]orkTime details:off
su[M]mary detail level:devices
[L]og interval:5
[Z]ero statistics
Select an option or any other key to return
On exiting:
Summary of runtime statistics:
Started at [2011-07-19 14:40:09]
Runtime: 2 hrs : 31 mins : 18 secs
Average hashrate: 1680.1 Megahash/s
Solved blocks: 0
Best share difficulty: 49
Share submissions: 3489
Accepted shares: 3489
Rejected shares: 0 + 9 stale (0.00%)
Accepted difficulty shares: 32
Rejected difficulty shares: 0
Hardware errors: 3
Efficiency (accepted shares * difficulty / 2 KB): 0.05
Utility (accepted shares / min): 34.26/min
Unable to get work from server occasions: 16
Work items generated locally: 330
Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 33
New blocks detected on network: 10
Share submissions: 3426
Accepted shares: 3426
Rejected shares: 0 + 0 stale (0.00%)
Accepted difficulty shares: 31
Rejected difficulty shares: 0
Efficiency (accepted * difficulty / 2 KB): 0.08
Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
Summary of per device statistics:
ICA 0: | 375.9/376.0/349.5Mh/s | A: 487 R:4+0(none) HW: 0/none
MMQ 0: 46.0C | 629.9/632.0/526.8Mh/s | A: 734 R:0+0(none) HW:196/none
XBS 0: 46.9C | 392.0/397.8/398.3Mh/s | A: 555 R:0+0(none) HW: 57/none
ZTX 0: | 198.6/198.5/190.2Mh/s | A: 265 R:0+0(none) HW: 95/none
ZTX 1: | 855.0/848.7/825.3Mh/s | A:1150 R:4+0(none) HW:176/none