Just compiled 3.6.0 from source, get a segmentation fault when I try to run it - any ideas, given that 3.4.0 compiles and runs without issue?
Also, anyone got a link to a clear howto on getting a previous version from git? I've done a fair bit of looking and found nothing that works, or that is helpful. Downloading the zip/tar.gz of the source of 3.5.2 doesn't work as it won't compile from the files that github gives you; I've only had luck by cloning the repo which gives you only the current version, which obviously isn't any good to me... I know there are good reasons for using git but it doesn't seem at all friendly to anyone who wants to download and compile a specific version.
Much easier than you think.
git checkout [branchname]
Should be something along the lines of:
git checkout bfgminer-3.5.x
Do this in the directory you have bfgminer cloned. This will switch the local workspace to that branch.
You can also jump to a specific Tag (version). Instructions here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/791959/how-to-use-git-to-download-a-particular-tag