- Moving the entire source code to Qt5 (95% done)
- Upgrading some important libraries like OpenSSL (100% done)
- Adding bootstrap download on initial startup (60% done)
- Building a public API for the wallet to get information about News, Casinos and Exchanges (90% done)
- Building a private API for accessing online wallets by Websites and Mobile phones and devices (10% done)
- Building a secure Wallet Server platform to serve the private API (25% done)
- Upgrading block explorer to a newer modern version (100 % done)
- Building a publicly available Java based Dice Server platform (80% done)
- Upgrading the GUI look and feel to a more modern theme (started in 14.10)
The UI dev we contracted has started work on re-skinning the client. I've broken the tasks down to 3 categories:
1. reskinning
2. adding dynamic content support
3. adding 3rd party integration
He's working on phase 1 right. I've provided him with test accounts, access to the github repo, etc. He currently as the client upgraded and compiling with qt-5.
This weekend, I'll be preparing a sample image set and xml file for dynamically loading promotional content into the wallet. AJochems has just about finished his work with the new bootstrap feature, which enables syncing a client faster initially.