Can a couple of you do me a favor and confirm the that this code is working. (install it on your dev environment and see that it is functional. It will take like 10 minutes) code, one of your pools. I dare say casinocoins only p2pool node.
I have tried contacting the author of that repo and pool but to no avail just yet.
p2pool nodes are important and i would like to see more p2pool nodes up please.
Also whoever is in charge of updating the op and website. Could you bring all your links into december 2016 thanks. (some sites are non existant even)
Hi there! Sorry for the delayed response. I am not actively involved in anything crypto these days. Everything I've done is in maintenance mode at this point but yes, the code is working.
As far as your question about it connecting to the daemon...make sure there are available connections available. Try stopping the daemon for a bit then starting it back up. Also make sure you are using the right ports (--bitcoind-rpc-port 47970 --bitcoind-p2p-port 47950).
Thanks, my dev enviro is ubuntu 16.04 lts and the cs client is the latest as of 3 days ago. I pulled your code and cant get it to connect to the node.
Its giving that stupid
...taking a while. Common reasons for this include all of bitcoind's connection slots being used....
(apparently happens when the prefix is incorrect, as you may well already know.) My coin client config has all of the relevant and required settings. It connects to the coin daemon rpcport just fine.
I've checked the pchmessage on the client code and it correlates to your prefix configs. So i have zero clue at this point what is my problem other then something in ubuntu 16.04 preventing a connection. Which is a long shot. Or the new client code preventing p2p communication. Also a long shot in my opinion. or I believe it could be to do with not being able to find your p2p node being that there is like only one of you on the entire network. I've attemtped to add your node but to no avail in terms of the p2pool working
I tried to get a p2pool node up because i believe the project could do with a few more but i cant seem to do it in my environment and wondered if anyone could just take a few minutes to try and re-create my problem or prove that its not happening for them to. Using the newest client code and this p2pool code
P.S Any chance you could refresh your nodes (p2pool for casincoin and the client for it?)
I did throw some hash at your node but it acted very strangely and wouldn't hash over 1kh/s. Payment for the hash i sent it did show up on the network ledger however.