There seems to be a major misunderstanding or a mind blowing conspiracy theory here.
You seem to believe that communists, or at least let's say socialists have the power?
Your current government is obviously bad but it is definetely a bad idea to support the opposite faction that would like to see you dead / in jail in case they get power in their hands. That's how it often happens after revolutions.
Because in the last 50 years France has seen nothing but more and more globalist policies.
So both extreme right and extreme left are more and more angry as our country gets stolen from us by banks and big corporations.
Knowing our history, it won't go better.
There is both a misunderstanding and a conspiracy, but not a theory, a fact. You seem to think that the corrupt Capitalists and the corrupt Communists are different factions, they are not. They are literally the same people and groups. It is a big puppet show. It is controlled opposition and they have a flavor of shit sandwich for each of us. Western Capitalist bankers LITERALLY CREATED COMMUNISM. They planned it, they engineered it, they funded it, they fostered it, they created it in every sense of the word. It is nothing more than red vs blue, us vs them, republican vs democrat on a global scale.
This is straight out of the Hegelian Dialectic. THESIS - ANTITHESIS = SYNTHESIS also known as PROBLEM - REACTION = SOLUTION
In this case during world war 1 and 2, it was Communism - Nazism = Globalism
They are creating the extremes on both sides so they can pick through the corpses and accumulate control and power by systematically stripping us all of rights, our lives, and our property. We are talking about the same people, you just don't realize it yet. Also if you actually take the time to look over The 10 Planks of Communism I think you will have to admit the world has largely adopted these policies, even if they have a different name for it. Additionally China is arguably the most important economy in the world, and they most certainly have goals for global Communism, and the resources and potential to achieve it. If you were to take a hard look at all of these facts I think you may agree.