All existing SC owners prior to the change can now bail out at a price which is 5 times higher than a week ago. If they want to bail they can do so at a nice profit.
And it's what, 10 times, 100 times harder to mine (I've heard both .7 sc per block and .07 sc per block, so I'm not sure the correct figure)? Seems like the change only benefited early adapters. But then, that was probably the point to the chain all along.
Edit: Looks like it's about .08 per block, plus a few tx fees, let's say it's .1 sc per block, down from about 7 sc per block. Difficulty goes up 70x, price goes up 5x. I expect network hashrate to plummet once miners figure out they can't get anything anymore from mining. Good thing SC is designed for plummeting hashrate. In a couple weeks it's going to just be the enforcer nodes hashing away.
I guess that's why SolidCoin is so "Lucky" to be protected against mining attacks eh?
We now aren't flooding the economy with coins. Like you said, I personally don't think price will increase 70x immediately, because it was dropping previously , which indicates too much mining for the amount of investors we had. That's what the change addresses.
It's our luxury with 51% protection that we can have a coin flow based on actual investment and development instead of "heres a fixed coin rate, let the value fluctuate like a wild beast". If you want a currency to work you can't have massive value fluctuations in my opinion. I guess we'll see how this goes over the coming months.
I suspect few people here have actually tried to argue Bitcoins to a business because if you did they would ask things like "What are they worth?" and the answer you give is "depends, $2 a month ago, $5 now, 6 months ago it was $30, 1 year ago it was $1" . We had the same problem with SolidCoin so we are fixing it. Personally I don't think Bitcoin is a currency and it never will be due to issues like this. But it could continue as some sort of "commodity" for a little while longer.
And I think you'll find very few of our investors are going "short solidcoin" we've been at this for 7 months and we want a working, secure currency. Most of the key people aren't profit motivated, we are motivated to get rid of the shitty systems in place like banks and governments having their fingers in each pie. That said I'm sure there are plenty of people in the SC community which are 100% profit driven, that's life I guess.