We had a brown out where the power was out for a few hours... came back.. started my pc...
Learned a good lesson about patience here lol:
file d/l for verification: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d91b2l1ysb59ma8/heartattack.png?dl=0
Use DqKmPwmAkbSVCSv7ZN8ZPr7FAhwGAqYi23 for verification
Patience is a virtue......
The same can be said for anybody else when it comes to DeepOnion... HODL ON!... STAKE ON!
Greatness will come in time
I'm not understanding this, It clearly stated "out of sync" and why did you panic before the sync?
Reason I panicked is because yes it said "out of sync" but not like normal when your wallet just needs to catch up...
When I clicked the button on task bar, the splash screen dissapeared...GUI came up and showed 0.00 ONION...... and I waited... and waited and waited....and waited some more, near 10+ minutes.
I pulled up Task Manager and it didnt even seem like DeepOnionQT.exe was hardly using any resources at all yet it still said 0.00 ONION and OUT OF SYNC....
I think its an error if you open the GUI before it loads the chain and verify's everything that it just "doesnt try to" any more... Perhaps a bug?? not sure..
I ended the process, reopened QT and let it load normally and had a sigh of relief.
The NO BALANCE and NO MOVEMENT on the wallet and its progress is what made me panic at first
hahaha now it makes sense and that one "heart-breaking" second when you realize all you $ONION's are gone... Oh man! lol