Personally don't care what it is called at this point. If what you are saying is true this thing (ideal money) will be asymptotically approached and provided by the current system, correct?
No the name we decide for this stable unit of value is important. It's like a Newton. It will change our mathematics and our psychical understanding of the cosmos.
And yes. If bitcoin remains FAIRLY stable in value, and we don't touch that property, when fiat around the world will be forced to adjust its supply to compete with bitcoin. As this starts to happen, nash explains, the people will begin to naturally demand money of a higher quality (quality he says in the gresham sense, but I call it the nashian cause he redefines it and update is as I have already explained).
And so its important to note there is a ceiling. This ceiling is a MASSIVE technological advance. MASSIVE. (Nofx rules!)
“Keynesian” players in this game have natural opponents (or co-players, beyond zero-sum perspectives) who are interested in not being themselves “outsmarted” by those who control the options that determine, say, the quantity supplied of the national currency.
And so the various currencies managed with “inflation targeting” would be comparable by users or observers who would be able to form opinions about the quality of the currencies. And what I want to suggest is that “the public” or the users, those for whom a medium of exchange functions as a basic utility, may develop opinions that are critical of currencies of lower “value quality”. That is, the public may learn to demand better quality of that which CAN be managed to be of better quality or which can be manged to be lof the lower quality observed in so many of the various national currencies in the 20th century.