Its my belief that the dev here eXtremal is the real deal and will develop this pool along with his very impressive mining software

His name looked familiar,,,, so did a little checking and now I see some of his past work and contributions to crypto software's with other coins, Mainly XPM
I'm a upset and frustrated with everything as much as anyone else.... but as of now I do not believe any of this is a scam. Just a dev perhaps a "one man show" doing all he can. Going to give dev some time to straighten things out. If we get paid then that should be enough. I am still hashing at a good clip now with half my rigs using silent army without any notable issues or crashes on either miner.
Ok, eXtremal, keep at it, try to get us payouts as soon as possible and get us some good user stats on the pool page!

Keep us posted!