No, it was payments sent to the wrong wallet address that I thought were unpaid shares. I went thru the R2 shares/payments w/ a fine tooth comb & found the errors. 2.46BTC for R2 was sent to the R3/R4 wallet on purpose by -Redacted- in case shares opened up. I had also sent extra BTC there to help out which I moved back. Long & short: we're all paid up for R2-R4 and we're only awaiting 1 payment for 1 share in R4, for all GBs.
2 shares opened up which he had already pre-paid & it was immediately applied to our Buyout, which should take 1-3 days depending on HashFast getting back to the Seller; I know John's on travel so hopefully he'll authorize Cara to do the ownership and/or Shipping location change.
If the MPP kicks in, I may have to have the Order 616 seller mail us the extra chips at our cost.
As for open shares in the co-op: Thomas & I are taking backup reservations for R4 in case there's refunds anywhere in R1-R4 and someone would like to apply their R4 backup share reservation to R1-R3.
Refunds aren't fun from a GBC's POV, but sometimes stuff happens & people need to drop out (which is why a good GBC has some BTC on hand for instances like this; it's not expected you keep 100% of the sale on hand, but some reserve BTC is a good practice).