Can you update the final list of participants who are eligible for this last payment?
This is the list i sent the owner. Only 2 ppl made 0 to little effort for the week. Others got half payments for small effors and the rest were close or over target n got full pay sent in. I cannot say when you guys will even be paid honestly. Im not sure whats going on with is site. He may buy btc to pay idk. He just asked me what he owes and i can no longer promote the site as i dont wanna be included in the downfall of the site. I was just managing a campaign and making a few cents a week
boopy265420 2417 1AuiJSwtrVmfQwWTw5UTedj4Cq2ettxBRz .035
sukamasoto 988 1E1j2uMTLfXMDM6YZrWSnXPneRsVbht8k3 .035
ikydesu 2275 1NyitMeKqKFz9y3kuuF9yMWeVdi96z6TDR 0000
tiggytomb 1622 13bjvpejJkDYqrULvnkaM7SytxpSBa1avq .02
Sr members
victoryboy 734 1KQSLCmeRZYNQpk88H5jvLD5AB4reMH46n .03
newcripto 1177 155DA7x7DfXdKpBcQD5qoYPMJXgxPgSwMg .03
buddu 900 1L6xQXNWM7v3zpR95fifcNRCMTxY5ZHwhL .03
ProGamers 533 15PqCdLksQWCpUowUWrjHMBjyRvP9BkAcx .03
BeGoods 931 14H7UZV4CkdNES8RGwiESZ318PKEqb7FUh .03
webcreator 966 1DgzRtyXTZhirsLHyH947NZsY1B8U4nGYj 00000
maxhor 937 1Q3qPaepv3p7Q9AVwWcv5PF5xuykhvMQi6 .03
fantoos 535 1L87m3cJsaWiayBo8HwsNuJkeJGpkkBUm3 .03
ajrah 773 1NpVBksxbrQkBg7H84Rz3s6wpGBNuSHkPm .01
tradoz 1112 1KNFZXr4h6LZUmTCg3kdWBn2AvxuQeL9Dh .03
Full members
betohell 319 1DDiGiDB9q1EtUX9EuDaub2bYibbEcvibV .02
Pk880058 198 1KZ9hg6sGTPvifvAQNgUzgv7X2h3TC2ym .02