An overclock option in MHz like said before in this topic would be very nice! That's actually the only thing that fails in Linux; an Afterburner alternative.
I tried to overclock with Polaris with the same numbers as I used in Windows and getting good hashrates while testing, but unfortunately it's not stable. I keep getting OpenCL errors in Claymore after a while. I got back to stock and will experiment later on. Maybe Claymore 9.7 will do this better?
Keep up the good work! When I got this AMD rig stable I will switch all of them to rxOC and nvOC.
I suggest bios modding your AMD cards if your mining on Linux. No real good tools for OC'ing and stuff.
You can set your default clock speeds in the bios and be done with it.
Alternatively you can mine with Claymore and set clock speeds in the command line. (if you dont mind paying the Claymore tax)