10x Full Members - $3 in BTC per post. Max 25posts/week will be paid.
15x Sr. Members - $4 in BTC per post. Max 25 posts/week will be paid.
20x Hero/Legendary Members - $5 in BTC per post. Max 25 posts/week will be paid.
If you wear the Avatar you'll get $1 extra per post you make (up to $25/week).
Since multiple users left other campaign, coinomize got few open slots for users according to what julerz12 (the campaign manager) says. Interested members may apply asap. The slots might get filled anytime.
Yomix signature campaign got open slots for legendary, hero and full members as stated by its campaign manager Roysee. Interested ones may apply here as well:
Also there is change in payrates for yomix campaign participants.
Effective from the Week#12, three best posters will receive $30 each as bonus.
Legendary members: $4 per post up to 25 posts each week, including bonus up-to $130
Hero members: $3.00 per post up to 25 posts each week, including bonus up-to $105
Sr. Members: $2.40 per post up to 25 posts each week, including bonus up-to $90
Full Members: $1.60 per post up to 25 posts each week, including bonus up-to $70
BetterCallRaul.it signature campaign is now CFNP as stated by Royse777