You need to re-read the links you have posted or gain a better understanding of them. The first link was a pdf for reporting cash TRANSACTIONS at $10k or higher. You can benefit from two different $6,000 transactions and have $12,000 on you as a result and not have to file that form.
As for the second link, you need to read up on what PROBABLE CAUSE is because that is what is necessary for a cop to take your money. Bare suspicion and probable cause are two very different concepts when it comes to law enforcement. I've lived in Las Vegas for a lot of years. People walk in and out of poker rooms with lots more than $10,000 all the time. So, in that circumstance, there wouldn't be probable cause. Now, if a cop witnessed someone walking away from a known drug house counting out a lot of money, there would possibly be probable cause to stop a suspect and investigate further.
Then again, I've seen video of a cop shooting a suspect in the back while his hands are in the air. None of the several other cops at the scene used deadly force so his actions aren't justified when applying the reasonable response standard (how other cops would react under similar circumstances). Cops are scum so while not illegal to walk around with $10k, dont...unless you want to make a street cop $10k richer.
I understand that. It's not a question of the circumstances when you'll need to fill out the form; it's a question of why that form exists, what purpose that form serves, and how it can be used against you.
Probable cause is something I know a great deal about. Probable cause is always determined in court long after the events have already passed. If you motion to dismiss your case for lack of probable cause it's either up to you to establish why the LEO didn't have probable cause, or it's up to the LEO to provide evidence of probable cause depending on the procedure your State already has established. Different States differ in that respect to probable cause...
The one common denominator is that the LEO has the power to take action without probable cause if they feel strongly enough about their "gut" that they "think" they can manufacture some probable cause by the time you appear in court.
Honestly, Las Vegas is the last place I would compare to anything having to do with the law. Talk about Pocket Police... They might as well be Private Security.
If you walk around with $10,000 it's no different than walking around with $1,000 except for the huge target it places on your head. If you find yourself in a position where it becomes a problem, by then it's too late and you've already complicated everything. The police have no right to search you unless they are arresting you; but in this situation the limit of $9,999 is relevant. This is a situation where the Police are looking for any loop hole to exploit. I'm pointing out loopholes that were created solely to facilitate this...
I agree with what you're saying. It's not illegal to walk around with $10,000 and I never said it was. If you walk around with $10,000 and get arrested for something, even something unrelated; you will be asked to prove the origin of the cash. You'll have a very hard time getting your money back without proof of origin... They can charge you with a crime if they feel they have enough evidence, or release your cash. You will have no power over this process and it's much safer not to do transactions of over $10,000 in cash at any single point.
If you have a $100 bill and a drug dog hits at it, you can lose that money if the LEO want's to be a jerk.
I don't agree with the law as it is...