You read it right, and after consulting my attorney it is fact, on Feb. 4th FinCen the American financial crimes organization issued this statement ( re-defining, and also instating a new law that makes the person to person sale of bitcoin from one person to another a federal crime, as well as instating laws which make any intermediary between parties ( I.E. Escrow services ) no matter what the terms whether it be for goods, services, or currency exchange,
ILLEGAL In a direct quote from the new law. ( )
"The guidance makes clear that an administrator or exchanger of convertible virtual currencies that (1) accepts and transmits a convertible virtual currency or (2) buys or sells
convertible virtual currency in exchange for currency of legal tender or another convertible virtual currency for any reason (
including when intermediating be tween a user and a seller of goods or services the user is purchasing on the user’s behalf) is a money transmitter under FinCEN's regulations, unless a limitation to or exemption from the definition applies to the person. The guidance also makes clear that “a user who obtains convertible virtual currency and uses it to purchase real or virtual goods or services is not an MSB under FinCEN's regulations.” FinCEN understands your letter to amount to a request to elaborate on this last statement in the specific context of a user that obtains the convertible virtual currency Bitcoin by mining
After consulting with my attorney today, the part i put in bold defines and would be used in a court of law to define acting as an escrow agent as you are sending them money to send to another person on your behalf as a result or to conclude a transaction.
I only share this as my attorney called me very early this morning (on a sunday none the less) to warn me about my bitcoin holdings and transactions as i have consulted with him and even paid him with bitcoin before. He has had 3 clients in the past 48 hours get arrested due to police "stings" from either local bitcoin or craigslist.
So now my question........
Who do we convert bitcoin to cash in a safe manner without using the exchanges that many of us hate for the risk and headache, or using paypal/netteller/other services with your name on it if we want to quietly turn BTC to USD?