Are you trying to give me the hint that it is perfectly correct for me to tag Lauda as a liar for lying about me lying? Or exclude them
Well, I would agree with you, but I refuse to act in a way that could be perceived as retaliation on my part in this case.. I won't reduce myself to that level..
If I did tag Lauda, it would take an entire OP to mention and link all of my reasonings, lol..
Everyone can see, and I don't really even care to get the rating removed, because it is basically a giant billboard leading to many points I would make..
I don't think it hurts me at all anyway.. It just shows that I will stand in the face of such danger to do the right thing and question everything..
Just let me quote my first response, which still stands.. So I try to not write too much.
That has come to my attention and I have been thinking about it so thank you for bringing that up for me..
My "legendary account" and greater identity are in no way "ruined" by Lauda's comment..
If it diminishes me in any way it would only be to those who are ignorant..
In fact, it does Lauda more harm than me.. Or will do..
If you are in the know around here, when you see it, you will immediately realize that it is abuse of default trust, and basically just nonsense..
This will make Lauda look very bad for doing it, to anyone who's opinion I care about..
You may very well know or realize something that I don't..