Monthly Analysis Report of Re: Pakistan Local Board (December)
Hi dear community, Asslam o Alikum so finally here is the complete monthly analysis of December the timestamp is the full and the total number of users' data is gathered manually so error might be possible. The rest of the datasets are optimized. In my point of view the month of December was good stats are a bit improved.
Merits Shared
Merits were shared in December, i am pretty impressed as our community is growing so that is obvious our merit numbers are stable above 200 and I think this is a good number hopeful to increase the post quality in January. For these amazing merit stats, i think my community should be thankful to the legend
Shahzadafzal. His contributions are amazing to us and i am hopeful to see Themepen, Watche, Myself + Umeridrees to be in the top contributor's list. For January due to a shortage of time, i didn't compile the top 10 contributors.
Total Posts
From the total number of posts i am a little bit unsatisfied as i was expecting above 350 total posts still 300+ is not a bad number and i am hopeful as our community is now active so we can directly touch 400+ InshaAllah.
Thempen and
UmerIdrees on fire both are the best posters of December and i am hopeful that now everyone is going to compete for the 1st and 2nd spots as
i will try to bring some random prize in trx for top 3 posters.Active Users
Ohh this is our week spot so for fixing this every user who joins as a new community member and does 15+ posts 10 TRX to random 3 users its up to my decision. Still, we are a bit improved from the numbers but we are stuck between 26 to 34 these numbers should grow 50+ in the next 3 months.
Top 10 Posters
The top 10 are here as already mentioned Themepen & Umeridrees are OP and others are also doing good for those who are below 10 to try to be active. Already mentioned the random TRX amount prize for the top 3. So I think it will bring some heat into positions.
Full Data with user Details
As creating tables on BTT is a tough job haha time-consuming so i think this idea is pretty tie efficient so here are all participants for the month of December and their total posts below.
Note: Prizes mentioned above are directly going to be distributed by me after the report and From the month of January. After January maybe i would like to increase the numbers depending on the progress in monthly report.