Changes have been highlighted in bold.
- 10 million PND: Fully developed/tested secure PND android wallet
- 10 million PND: Fully developed/tested PND Lightweight Wallet for Windows/Linux/MacOS (similar to
- 3 million PND each (Java or flash/Android/IOS) or 10 million PND for all 3: Pandacoin (PND) Snake game. Each 'Pandacoin' that the snake eats, in the game, actually will be paid out at the end of the game to the player. It would function as an interactive game-faucet, with the faucet wallets managed and refilled by the PND dev team
- 3 million PND: PND Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: 2 random players throw in equal parts of Pandacoin (PND), with a bonus inserted by the game. Player 1 and Player 2 are given 2 choices, Split or Take. If both decide to split, the pot is split, if one does take while the other does split, the one who chose take gets everything, and the other loses. If both say take, house wins and both lose. All profits goes towards either the Pandacoin (PND) Development Community Chest and/or PND4PND charity
- 2 million PND: Contract graphics design work, to create a mock up landing page for our homepage, following specifics set out by the PND dev team
- 2 million PND: IOS mobile read/balance-only wallet
- 2 million PND: Weibo PND Tip Bot (We will assist with language translation)
- 2 million PND: Bitcointalk PND Tip Bot
- 1 million PND: Youtube Video animation explaining what PND is (contact us on required content)
- 300k PND: PND infographic (contact us on the theme of the infographic)
If you are interested in one of the above bounty projects, please join #pndcontrib on and speak to either amDOGE, Bdanyo or Ozzke!
You could always leave a message on our Pandacoin Reddit.
Additional Bounty Information
First person to contact the Pandacoin (PND) devs and requesting to work on the project, and completes the bounty development gets to claim the bounty. The process will be transparent, and the bounty hunter would be included in our Pandacoin (PND) Donors Hall of Fame page that would be created for our new homepage.
Designs should be clean and nice looking, and according to our coin’s brand look and feel.
Support the PND Development Community Chest
Want to do your part and assist the Pandacoin (PND) development team and the community by speeding up and having more future developments? Why not donate to the ‘Pandacoin (PND) Development Community Chest’ here:
- PND: PBAdSebKmFuDUJP257xReuLnijkAtsP25E
- BTC: 1AtPFanV3kMnWzuRSocZPfrf6V5mjJHoDE
- LTC: Li1dUae3dd4qZQHKXXV5gFKBqmWAyRJm3m
- DOGE: DCQ28wVSdFd1np74trvtSRn99edVCqGui9
Donors of over 1 million PND / .05 BTC / 1 LTC / 40 000 DOGE will be listed on our Pandacoin (PND) Donors Hall of Fame page that would be created for our new homepage.
Please let us know, if you would like to donate specifically to a particular listed bounty project, in order to attract potential development bounty hunters easier with a higher bounty! We will edit the keep the bounty list up to date.
The PND Development Community Chest wallets will be transparent and available for public viewing, with all proposed developments utilizing the Community Chest be announced to the community in a professional fashion.
Hall of Fame Donors
Justabear - 2,700,000 PND (unspecified)
Jommy99 - 2,000,002 PND (unspecified)
cadexn - 1,103,241 PND (android wallet development bounty)
Armek - 1,000,009 PND (unspecified)
mtrycz - 1,000,001 PND (unspecified)
tommyj1 - 1,000,000 PND (unspecified)
drakee - 1.5 LTC (unspecified)
Pandacoin PND Community Chest total: 8,803,333