We are going to be using Micheal Jordan as our case study :
Micheal Jordan gambled away $5 million dollars in one night
[1], he is a Billionaire, but that does not remove the fact that that's a hell lots of money to gamble away in just one night, you might want to say he is an adult and a Billionaires, and he is free to spend his money in which ever way he wants - understandable... Now, what about his son?
Marcus Jordan is just 19 years old, he spent a whooping $50,000 dollars in one night in Las Vegas on gambling and drinking in a strip night club
[1][2][3], the report shows he threw away $35,000 in gambling while $15,000 went into drinking alcohol and girls in the club, and do not forget that it is illegal to drink and gamble under the age of 21 in the state of Nevada where they live....
The young lad even posted that night's expenditures on his Twitter account where he said , and I quote....
"Last night was stupid... 35K at Haze," the University of Central Florida sophomore guard said. "Totals 50K something the whole day."
but according to report, the tweet got deleted.
This (
from the articles) I believe happened in 2010, but I believe it's a fresh story for those of us getting to know this for the first time,
What do you make out of this story, should we really allow our children to live such a lifestyle like gambling and night clubbing, most especially, when they are still under aged?
Let's discuss about this..
Parents should be a good example for their children. We know that the nature of a child is to imitate their parents. So, as parents act, children will surely try it too. As for this, the thing that must be done is to inform the child's awareness of the things or consequences that will occur if doing so (this can be related to any action that has consequences).