I agree with you; precisely because humanity is not mature enough to handle anarchism, we rely on the state in order to survive together. Anarchism would never work if it suddenly occurred now, as it would always devolve back into the state system, e.g. Somalia. However, I do believe we can work towards this goal through steady improvements in the educational system (here's a good video about it) and slow but steady progress in how parents raise their children, to impart peace and integrity. Though I'm certain I won't live to see this moment, I don't believe we should discard the notion as impossible, and instead work towards liberation, not away; those who agree with the state system are, of course, thinking about the right now, and I'm very grateful for it, but I can't accept this as the final destination of mankind, the notion of "this is as good as it's going to get", and so I do believe a plan would be beneficial to us; nobody wants another society like WWII Germany, I'm certain, and yet if we aren't positive about our goals for a better world, we seem to always push away from it, toward a completely dominant state, which is what I truly fear.