You DO realize that NONE of the quotes you have chosen, NONE, not even your personal comments, NONE OF THEM, is related to XPY? Everything is related to Garza and/or GAW. And, perhaps more importantly, you -AGAIN- use the tried and abused FOREGONE CONCLUSION approach (and why not? There are no consequences so why not just keep on going all the way, right? No danger -so far- of libel and the clap/clap instead of the rest of the bloodthirsty hunters so, once again, why not?). But, just to keep things in perspective, for those who really want to know what's going on here, everything in those "documents" that only one outlet of NO SERIOUS CONSIDERATION -as a matter of fact a single individual IS the outlet-, in the crypto world has posted again and again innuendo, dubious documents, hand selected at best, faked at worst... all of it, all of THEM, have produce POTENTIAL or ALLEGED faults. Since you obviously don't know or care for what "potential" or "alleged" means, do yourself a favor and not only google it but LEARN it. Or not. As long as there are no consequences, you will continue doing what you are doing with total lack of ethic or interest in the truth and with reckless abandon.
As for (the collective YOU) being responsible for sinking PayCoin, unfortunately yes, that is the case. Of course counting with the domino effect provoked by the vicious and unethical and fraudulent hunting down campaign. I mean, Gyft reneged on its agreement for ONLY that reason. That started the whole chain of ALLEGED broken promises -that have not been broken and, as a matter of fact, are top priority for Garza to follow completely-. But yes, Gyft was supoposed to make PayCoin a currency of choice susceptible to be used at Target, Amazon and everywhere else that was claimed. They decided not to stand the heat created by the hunting down bloodthirsty party so that was out. Was it payCoin's fault? was it that it was "badly designed"? We all know the answer to that. Well, congrats KKK boys, you got the job done, not so much because of your vociferous bullshit as for the cowardice of Gyft, but, either way, the result was the same. Karma is a bitch indeed, and Gyft will end up paying its share of the cowardly bargain, no doubt.
And all of this, I repeat, is just to keep things in its proper perspective. I personally -since some seem to be interested- had never any dealings nor interest with either GAW or the Hashlets or even PayBase,. I signed for an account a few days ago, maybe a week ago, and some of my info still seems to be "under consideration" whatever that means. I don't give a crap anymore about that (I will when the vault opens, if it ever does). And I have a few XPY which I have very successfully traded, I repeat, many times in the recent past, enough times to have made some small profit in general. My current holding will not affect me either if valued at $20 or at 2 cents. A nd, once more, my only interest at this point is to set the record straight as to what has transpired in this project, a shameful look, just another one, at the real face of crypto. The face of those that do not hide because their crimes -in their perception- are too old and their coins are "established", no matter how much fraud, insider trading and overall manipulation and just plain shit they have used for their personal profit. Those and their KKK soldiers -like you- are the responsible party of the situation of this project, regardless of what the final outcome will be or who has done what OUTSIDE of XPY. Or even inside. I'd be the first to claim against Garza if he's guilty of anything (XPY related) other than puerile stupidity -of that he is already guilty-. But ONLY in due time and ONLY if he is found to be indeed guilty of any wrongdoing.
It is a big difference, KKK crypto boys. A big, huge difference. And you KNOW it.