still they are earning more than what they need to operate with their miners, so if they want to help the decentralization, there should be a rule that a % go to the full nodes
i'm not saying that they have not the rights to claim 100% of the fee and the reward, but they should let's say..."donate" a % to the full noders
I agree, they should, and they would probably be doing so if there were less nodes (and then again, I'm not sure if they would, some miners probably think their nodes are enough
). That being said, of course they're earning more than they need to operate the miners... Who would mine if they weren't earning more than they need to pay their bills?
The question is how do you distinguish a full node from a fake full node. Lets assume that is solved. Do you pay a node thats barely running (e.g. 2 hours a day) and holding 8 connections (no inbound connections) the same as one that is online 24/7 and holds >100 connections?
Identifying fake nodes would be the hardest part, indeed. The second part is probably not a big issue, I think, bitnodes distributed Bitcoin through their rewards program by examining nodes, giving points to those who were contributing more to the networking and distributing funds using this algorithm, so it's possible to prioritize rewards this way.
Suggestion box is open in order to avoid fake nodes