Actually it makes perfect sense... bitcoin is still hard for the average person to grasp... and I'm sure paypal will still take 3%. There are probably ways for paypal to piggy-back on the protocol to reduce their cost as well... which could increase their bottom line. At the scale they work on saving 1% on costs is quite alot of money.
Say they freeze your account?... then what?
PayPal's reputation has been defecated with the most horrid shit stain you could ever imagine! ...Thousands of businesses have been reduced down to 2 men and 1 penny all because of the Buccaneers that we know as PayPal
You think MtGox is a problem?.. Well PayPal would be 10X worse.... At least Marky Mark pretends to be an actual Mammal and has made some steps towards addressing the community at large and attempting to put things right... PayPal, on the other hand, will take your Coins and tell you to kick rocks!
The sooner PayPal collapses the better