even if they aren't, the difficulty will kill you somehow,
I used this calculator https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/calculator
I bought a contract 2 weeks ago, with diffuclty increase of 15%, I won't get my money back even if I wait for 2 years, if you want to break even in 3 month, like other ponzi out there, then the price must fall to 0.0014 BTC/GHs
now the only thing I can do, is hope to get as many BTC as it can, fortunately, I used a little of my BTC, so the loss won't punch me down too hard
You know that their ghs price is the same as buying hardware, and it takes that long for everyone to break even?
You can't call something a scam just because you failed to make proper calculations in the first place.
I am not sayin PBmining is a scam because of the break even,
re-read my post, I said it's pointless for people that bought a contract a while ago, or people who'll buy a contract (assuming the price won't halfed), this calculation may be wrong if we get some cheap difficulty increases
I am sure you got your break even in 3 months because you bought it when the difficulty is low, than you found "3 months" ; "break even" ; "other ponzi", it led you to a wrong way
Interesting that you can not use standard tools before you purchase things to calculate profitability. And did this fail you blame others and not yourself
With pbmining it is the same like other companies in the bitcoin market: you do not know what tomorrow brings and they want to hurt the customers. It is all about trust and pbmining has my.
For my part all of my purchases reached the break even weeks ago and in some cases I got already 15% on top of my investment.
who the hell I blame on? PBmining? difficulty increase? you? what part of my sentences? srsly guys
all I gave is information, if you can use a standard tools and have a better information than mine, then I'm looking forward to see your data
unfortunately, trust isn't my thing