hello pb-we rarely get this chance to talk - your in a tough spot
well, of course return lost or stolen coin to victims- if this is impossible due to the amount stole devide it up proportionally ---- you can contact law enforcement - but that could in a way be victimizing to you (you like privacy), you should offer him the opportunity to contact law enforcement(but lets face it he wont chose this) - so here it is- you wait till you are sure all victims have been discovered and reimbursed then you take his initial investment lets say 5btc .......... 5btc - btc paid back to victims - btc earned mining = amount old man gets back (or equals the new value of contract just in case returning btc victimizes you more)... but i dont think you should keep btc for yourself that is a slippery slope and without a court award its theft.. if you ever are in a court case your integrity would be damaged or theft proven... thieving from a thief is wrong.. but with tx id it could shut some haters up ( same with contract equivalency-for this choice give him a choice - for btc sent back, no say so needed) you would be protected from any wrong doing... any effort lost is recompensable only if repoted to the legal system...
he is a thief but he is still a human being deserving of inalienable human rights...even after a crime... you may make a choice but it will reflect on all of us.. take a deep breath ... pat yourself on the back for job well done and make the right decision even if it isnt easy .......you can get co-signers to encourage you to do the wrong thing but it will reflect on you
i guess we will see what happens, i am curious to see what kind of person i lease gh from
This is the appropriate course of action, but please may I suggest a slightly alternative plan. Instead of canceling his contracts and paying the remaining back according to your formula, his bought contracts should be left as is, but all of his weekly earnings won't be paid out to him. Instead, the victims will get compensated according to the amount they lost, and PBMining will reimbruise these victims. OldMan is now in debt with PBMining, and the weekly earnings will be deducted from this debt until all of it is cleared.
I suggest this because if PBMinings adds a contract of the value he should be compensated by wouldn't be fair, since these contracts are supposed to expire in 5 years, so the date wouldn't be correct, and a bit extra would be paid back.
If you compensate him with BTC directly, it would be better for him since he can re-invest this BTC, and do the above.