PBMINING might not be the most transparent cloud mining provider out there - yes.
We watched them since their very beginning and correct me if I am wrong but they sold cloud mining GHS off of Ebay some while ago.
So, why would they screw you / us over? The guy / guys who bought from them off Ebay do have a real contact name. In a screwover case they would be found easily.
Why are they so secretive? They have been DDOSED and people tried to hurt or bring them down in many ways, so they might be off better handling everything as secret as possible for the moment.
PBMINING is currently the most profitable cloud mining provider out there, and that with an outstanding service, like I stated we watched them since their beginning and they never let down one customer.
If there was any problems they resolved it friendly and quickly. It could be a scam, it could be a ponzi, only time will tell, but we personally do think they are LEGIT and here to STAY!
Aswell we wrote a review about them and you can check it here:
https://cloudmining.guru - we do recommend them!