A lot of people seem to miss the point that we are in the same game as the rest of you are. All we did was purchase hardware for "X" amount and sell the hash power for "X" amount (+ profit margin). We don't control the difficulty, and we don't guarantee a positive ROI. All we guarantee is that you get exactly what you paid for, and profit exactly as you would expect from your hash power at the current difficulty. If difficulty changes remain extremely high, then it is not profitable whether you mine with us or buy your own hardware for the same price. If difficulty slows down, then that's good news for all of us and we do the piggy dance. Our early customers seem to be doing reasonably well, and we will do our best to keep the prices competitive in this market.
it is also the case, of course that anyone buying piggy hashes, or indeed, for that matter, rigs to mine with at home, should be completely aware of what they are buying and the risks entailed in it. The first rule of gambling and investment, is: don't spend out what you can't afford to lose. The same should be advised in bitcoin mining. I've gone into this with my eyes wide open and i'm very happy with the service which PBMining have provided me so far. The fact that they are a business and should be turning a profit is of no consequence to me, this is a long term contract with a view to long term returns. I'm not a lunch-box Joe who wants to buy oil at 9am for $92/barrel and sell it at 3pm for $102/barrel. This is investment in the prospecting of bitcoins and this is a long term game. If you are frightened of this, go buy some antique postage stamps.
DING DING DING!!!!!! Boy Raskul you one smart dude. It seems like we just got hit with a major hater troll last night that was solely trying to make PB look bad. I HATE that shit! Your post is great I couldn't of said it better!!!! People also need to realize that 5GH/s or whatever isn't gonna make them a fortune right away. I make 0.37
BTC a day between my rig here at the house and what I've got here on PB all together that's 4.5TH/s. Mining takes alot now days, if only we could go back to the days when I only had 120GH/s and was making 1BTC a day!!!! But, those days are long gone I'm afraid......