Someone asked this last week, and I provided full details. If you calculate the time, it will be exactly 5 minutes of mining that you are "missing". This is because I built the payout list, and then right before I reset the balances and "last payment amounts" the system ran its 5 minute update. All I need to do is manually run the update right afterwards. Since this is the second time this has been brought up, next time I will simply turn the updating off while I make the payments. Please keep in mind that when PB Mining had site downtime in late January, we paid our users an extra 24 hours of extra mining that came out of our pockets -- we try to show you that we are not cheap by any means.
You never lost 5 minutes, because we run the manual updates right after.
Oh, didn't find that earlier answer, but thanks for explaining this again. You're right, it's 5 minutes. I should've been able to figure that out. Sorry.
by the way, it is a lot less than 0.1%
In my case it isn't. That is because I'm a newbie and this was not a full weeks payout.
Anyway, thanks for the info. Everything seems to be in order.