Basically viruses, spyware, and trojans are a threat to computer users (PC, MAC OSX, etc). We all know this... but what we don't think about is how they can affect what once was encrypted communications on your computer.. Now you can't be too sure. You download so many files just browsing the internet even if you don’t ever click "Save" or "download" you had to download some files to get "there" to see those links. Files just basically freely come and go through your computer its unsure what viruses, spyware, etc are doing but what we DO know is that its unsafe to run encrypted communications
AND work,browse, or what ever else it is you do this is because before your voice is encrypted, spyware can listen in to the microphone line "before" it is encrypted which effectively evades any encryption process. In effort to provide privacy I created an embedded encrypted device that uses multiple channels for Public key transfer to ensure no MITM attacks happen.
When i was about to post my product on kick-starter I thought to my self "I have no screen, I have no interface on my embedded device, why would any-one invest in my device if they can't prove I know what im doing for all they know i just added sound in post-production of the demonstration video. So I thought.... and thought and thought. And my solution is to provide a P2P Encrypted solution for desktops just to demonstration that I have encryption knowledge and can build things up to PKCStandards.
So I present to you my desktop app (Known to only work with GCC/LINUX) right now; I'm in the process of building it, basically everyone logins with a Public Key, and clients to connect to other clients. Both clients identify them selves with public keys and exchange keys.
To prevent Man-In-The-Middle Attacks, clients will ask other clients around the world what they know about "everyone online" which is basically an IP address list with public key associated with them. Each client will save the list and extract the public keys they want to verify (as opposed to just specifically asking for a public key/IP pair which could lead to man-in-the-middle attacks as asking for specific public key and ip pairs). Essentially Bitcoin-Network but with out bitcoins its messaging.
Once a client feels they have enough verifications from each node they can start communicating with the client -- this is all transparent. (untrusted nodes will only slightly increase confidence, trusted nodes will drastically increase confidence).
Any ways once i feel that I have a user base I can release my embedded device on kick-starter when i feel it is time until then i will produce "confidence and trust" with the encryption communication community.
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