I am still looking for jobs and more jobs small or big.
How good are you in SEO ?
Extremely, My wife is pretty awesome in it and she is up for it. What is that you need. PM me. Her exact words were "Do you want the first result in every google search?"
First result in every Google search is too much and I do not think I can afford it. Would like to see some of your/your wife's previous seo works... may I ?
it is a figure of speech, she meant she does a good job at it!. Here are some that I know of and I will ask her for more references:
www.nyu.edu/ (This one she says you cannot confirm because she was hired as a freelancer for SEO).
I will get you more later when she remembers significant names but I think you got the picture. Just pm me of an offer and I will delegate, we actually work online together.
Thanx. May I know the keywords against which these sites are SEOed ?