When i was brand new to bitcoin, circa 2011-12, I had my bitcoins on a flash drive. Needless to say i put it through the washer. I was devastated. I came back though, and now make sure that i evenly distribute amongst a few separate wallets. These days though, I've been moving to fiat currency and I'm financing a new boat engine..
Sorry for your loss, but yes wallets have become better and better and now offer recovery seeds. Still not enough to prepare the majority of users though.
So a more visual warning would be required.
I would assume most of them are just ew to the system and others can be just too naive like you said. They want a word printed in red and gigantic size that says "Do no share your personal information to anyone. Do not lose your passpharse. Provide more ways to ensure more security to your account. Use Two-Factor Authentication." Some people say they'll do it later but its best to do it now before its too late.
I`m sorry that we have to dumb down bitcoin to the level of 5 year olds, but that is just how the mainstream people are.
Mainstream adults have literally the mentality of 5 year olds, so if bitcoin were to go mainstream, that also implies that we will get tons of dumb people using something they dont understand.
Well the first question is, did they really lose their wallet? Did they really forgot their password or someone hacked their account.. Because for sure, if they have bitcoins in that wallet, they will find ways not to forgot their account since it is their hard earned money that is in their account. But it should serves as a lesson to each and everyone of us. We should do our best to make our bitcoin wallet secured.
They pretty much do, wallet recovery services are only 33% effective, and most mainstream users dont have enough funds to be worth to recover the password from scraps.
Those below the treshhold are in a bad position, but at least they lose small amounts, hopefully less and less as they learn more in the future.
People are too lazy! There are already enough warning and guidelines on how to secure the wallet. People are just to confident on their computer securities and neve think that crashes may happen anytime. During the creation of wallet there is enough reminder about the securities and private key that they have to secure.
Not enough, the wiki page i doubt is read by many newbies.
The simple solution is wallet based tutorials, or a help page in every wallet software, and a warning before creating wallets to do the proper procedures of securing it.
Not all wallets remind people, or the reminder is not visual enough.
Remember the average mainstreamer has an IQ of 90, which is slightly more than of a chimpanzee, so you have to dumb it down like if you were talking to a toddler.