Have you ever thought about this, what we are trying to achieve in our personal financial life is completely diverge from what the government expects their citizens to do.
We as Individuals always thrive to achieve financial independence in our lives especially someone who is from the average middle person but what the government expects from the middle class is different and is kind of surprising when we give deep thought about it, The Government highly relies on the middle-class tax payers for the money and most of the taxes collected in the form of indirect taxes so that people may not actually aware that they are paying taxes for everything from their salary, fuel, medicine, anything everything has taxes that eat most our earnings.
So as a result we are paying from 10% to over 50% of our earnings just in the form of taxes in one or another way. So one who really wants to achieve financial independence should find a way to reduce their tax pay legally like how the businessmen do.
Or like the bald guy says, we need to find a way to exit the Matrix.