GPU3: unable to get fan speed - Unknown Error (999),what is the problem, the driver 390.65,PhoenixMiner_3.0b?
Hi! and Welcome to the club.
I've search a little bit on the internet and there are a lot of people with this error and you will have also the nvlddmkm error event id 14 if you look in logs on windows.
Just a short history and why I think it's not the OC the principal issue because there are some with this issue without OC....
1. before Phoenix I've run with Claymore (my brother still use Claymore 11.6 and we have the same GPU's - 1070 G1 Gaming - Micron memory)
Short description on 1070 G1 Gaming OC
Claymore 11.6 - TDP 60%, 0 CC, +800 Memory with Afterburner and it's working flawlessly for weeks without a crash - 226 Mh/s for 7 GPUs
Phoenix Miner - TDP 60%, -150CC, +780 Memory with Afterburner and it's working like 2-5 days and then restart - 230.1 Mh/s for 7 GPUs
I've lost days from my life to search about this issue and how to solve the problem ...
If you look on nvidia forum it's full of people with this issue and they are not mining, no OC...
2. I have 2 RGIs, same setup and same hardware (TDP 60%, -150CC, +780 Memory, Phoenix Miner 2.9e)
1st RIG - windows 10 1709 (10.0.16299.400 and something..460/462... :?) / nvidia 391.35 - 230.1 Mh and no problem with error 999, working ok.
On the second RIG was funny, windows 1803 and couple of drivers ... no way, restart after 20 min so I've choose to install again 1709, a version with January updates...just what I've found.
I've tried to:
- increase the virtual memory
- different drivers (5 or 6 drivers.... :@)
- something with replace of nvlddmkm.sy_ and use this command "EXPAND.EXE nvlddmkm.sy_ nvlddmkm.sys" (search on google)
- TdrDelay in registry (also search on google)
- bios update fo MB
- disable SLI
- prefer maximum power (nvidia inspector)
- DSR factor x2 in nvidia control panel ... something what I've found on google for mining... I don't know if it's important or not but trust will try everything just to get rid of that error
At the end, after 2 days of pain...find on geforce forum something about driver 387.92 to be the solution to nvlddmkm.sys error.
2nd RIG - windows 10 1709 (10.0.16299.192) / driver 387.92 / same overclock settings (60%/-150/+780) - run for 10-11 hours (I was happy finally!!!!) and after that the error appear again, no restart after another 2-3 hours but I wanted to try another driver.
Now, I'm on the same track but with and oldest driver (384.76), the driver from the Gigabyte website and install just the driver without hd audio, gf experinece, psysX, etc...and wait to see how it's working.
With other drivers I have the error from the begging, after 5-10 min of running... I'm sure it's something with windows and nvidia drivers.
What it's very strange ... it's ok on Claymore with +800 memory and working for weeks but I have this error with Phoenix even on +750...
Another problem, on the other rig it's working very well with 391.35, I have a restart after 3-4 days's ok, I can lower the OC but I don't have that error.
I'm still searching how to solve this.