Hi there!
Long time PHR user here, need a bit of help please, I am at my wits end. So, I've been staking a bit of PHR just fine for the past month or so, but about 2 weeks ago I started experiencing few to no active connections on my wallet. No big deal there, I modified my .conf file to have some more proven peers, but, then a day after that I realized I had "Staking is Not Active" showing on the bottom right of my wallet, and it's been that way ever since. PHR has clearance for my Firewalls and virus programs, I've tried re-downloading the blockchain from scratch about a dozen times, placing "staking=1" in my .conf file, uninstalling the wallet and reinstalling it several times, wiping every trace of the wallet except for my .dat and .conf file off the desktop then installing it one or twice like that, etc. I've tried downloading the latest version (Love the new look by the by, very sleek and pretty), changing the .conf back to the old peers, emptying out the .conf entirely, and even sending my coins onto a trade site and back on to reset their staking weight to see if that would help. Though, on that last one I am also having trouble too, new version can't seem to send more than 1,000 coins yet, and when I bump it down to under 1,000 coins and click send it immediately crashes every time.
But yes, most pressingly, I am at the end of my rope with what else to try to get staking again. No matter what I do, my getstakingstatus still seems to return "staking status false", so if anybody has any suggestions I would be super grateful, thanks so much in advance!
I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot in real time if you find me online in our Discord (Moonshot | phore.io, with the blue text ONLY and do not trust someone who DMs you claiming to be me or someone else on the Phore team) or on Telegram (@tohnsoom).
For the staking issue I'd first ask what the detailed lines say for getstakingstatus, since the one that is false above will help narrow down the cause. I can troubleshoot further once I know that.
For the 1000 coin problem, I think we may have introduced a bug related to hiding the SwiftX checkbox that for some users may have left it selected instead of unselected. I will try to get an update out today to put that back and I think it should resolve it. I don't know why it would crash, but if there is any error reported when it crashes or anything in the debug.log when that occurs, please share that with me and we'll figure out what's going on.