Nothing is fishy,it's just someone winning and you are losing.Users likes his design and what then?Accept it!
Well, if you like "his" design you actually mean you like Mr. Bau's design coz that's where you buddy got his inspiration from.....
You think LitcoinCollector,not Mr. Bau's design,i'm right? It's just only the number 5,damn it!
So much drama,about this!
Oh shut up.
I said Mr. Bau's design which is exactly what the basis of your thief friend design is based on.
And you are not doing him any favors.
You are just supporting a thief and making him think he is a good designer when the truth is he is nothing but a copy.
Nothing else.
I see only the round hologram is same,nothing else and few other have same,too.
What you just said goes to prove that you guys vote blindly just coz you were asked to.
I rest my case.
Now say me what is same in Mr. Bau's design and iawgoM's design i want to hear that.
OK, "I say you what is same": The entire fucking concept!
Do You know what a concept is?
What your buddy lacks at.
Ideas, and the creativity to conceive an idea.
The design isn't same! It's different.
Yeah, whatever you say man.
Do keep in mind that I have seen law suits for something that was not as obvious as this and it has cost the looser (like your friend) several hundreds of thousands.
That is something Coinographic should keep in mind too I suppose.
After all it is their reputation on the line here.