AM is selling blades at ~4 BTC/10GH.
This security represents 100TH, i.e., 10,000 blades worth of hashpower. That would cost 40,000 BTC to buy.
Market cap: 120526.04077839 BTC
This is provably overvalued. You are getting a 3x better deal by buying ASICMiner blades, and you are likely to lose money on those too.
200TH, right... but the rest you said is the problem one has when you only create a mining ipo instead an ipo that owns its on asic and will grow the mine over time... *sigh* learning money i guess...
Does this also help you understand why you should NEVER use useless metrics like "APR" in evaluating a company's value (unless it's a bank)? This applies to ASICMiner.
APR varies wildly with the rapidly shifting margins. Current APR suggests noting about future APR.