This is a picture thread not a debate thread over Russian politics.
We're not talking about the politics, it's about some bullshit only.
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1 cm3 or 0.1 cm3 - is there any difference?
What about 0.00...01 cm3 - can it do with tea something like this tale?
1.3kW per cm
3 was just an example.
Of course, "investigators" declared that he've got "only" 50 mCi (1.205 * 10
-5 grams), which is also seems as a joke.
Why is this a joke? OK, I'll try to explain only a few obvious reasons...
1) Absence of radiation burns on his face. This means that he've got his dose through inhalation or other way, but definitely not orally.
2) There are many stories about million or even billion dollar costs of Litvinenko's poisoning, which were used as foundation for all these "Putin ordered his murder, he was murdered by KGB/FSB/GRU/alien army officer" narratives. Do you ever tried to check out the polonium prices? Real price for 500 mCi sample of polonium is only
$36 in the USA. So, price of polonium that he've got into his system was only
$3.6 approximately. Anybody who had a suitable license would be capable to do this.
As I know, sofa on which Alexander was sat , was affected by radiation, too, and was cleaned in special way, Berezovsky told about it.
Polonium is a chalcogen, i.e. behaves much like selenium and tellurium. It's getting concentrated in the liver, kidney, spleen and bone marrow... If he didn't peed on this sofa while seating, then he couldn't contaminate the sofa except the case when he already had a dust of polonium compounds on his clothes. If Berezovsky said truth, it's another evidence that Litvinenko was involved in the illegal polonium trade and his death was an accident.
Do you know about such way, ampoule ?
That won't prevent a radiolysis of water and other chemical reactions in the tea. Just try to imagine, you're coming back after somebody have dropped 50 mCi of polonium into your tea. What do you see instead of tea? Water begins to decompose into hydrogen and oxygen bubbles are actively leave from the surface of liquid. Tanines are getting oxidized by atomic oxigen and polymerized, this process naturally takes more than few weeks but radiation and atomic oxigen are dramatically speeding it up. As the result, you see some brown and bubbling, murky substance. Tell me honestly, would you drink that?
Will room be affected?
It won't affect the room, but still dangerous for the people who're sitting around this cup of tea.