We use various mechanisms for AML purposes - not only rejection of KYC process. All of them are applied individually, respectively to a case and all of them are used in accordance with applicable law. Please understand, any forum is not the proper place to share details regarding any case related to AML, because it is normal that neither authorities nor courts will share or provide with details e.g. in this thread. All cases are processed individually and in accordance with the law.
The only party, which may share on social media the cause in such situations is "the user" with blocked account. Nevertheless, it never happens that data are shared in public by "the user" objectively - for obvious reason.
@wwzsocki there are many scenarios that can occur and be detected by AML mechanisms after the course of account verification (e.g. the usage of modified documents for KYC of another account). Above all, we always try in many steps to provide the user a way to explain his actions -
if there is any doubt. However, having had justified suspicions, the case is forwarded to law enforcement authorities for decision. The law enforcement authorities maintain contact with us and the user. At this stage we are not able to speed up the solution (however much we would like a quick solution).
In conclusion, cases related to AML topic have a very negative impact on opinions, but the constantly increasing numbers of our active users understand our obligations that are necessary for crypto exchange to work and develop. If the mechanisms had been used not only on users, who break the rules or the law, BitBay would not have had any chance to provide with services any further. Ordinary users, who comply with the regulations and the law do not experience blocked account or blocked funds.
AML policy, procedures are applied so that the exchange can operate within the limits of applicable law and therefore influence in a positive way the opinion on safety and transparency of cryptocurrency platforms (especially providing FIAT currencies) all over the world. It is all for the crypto investors - not against them. Here we ask for your understanding.
https://bitbay.net/en/terms-of-use-malta"§ 9 Transaction security procedures
1. If BitBay reasonably suspects a commitment of a crime, in particular, it suspects that funds or cryptocurrencies that are the subject-matter of the transaction originate from an offense, BitBay shall be entitled to block the transaction or the User Account, as well as to notify the law enforcement and the judiciary authorities about its suspicion. The notification referred to in the preceding sentence is made independently of other actions taken independently by BitBay. BitBay shall have the right to block the User's Account until the doubts are clarified (e.g. by re-verification of the User) or the relevant decision of the relevant authority is obtained."