Poker Player claims, UMG is either a scammer or a retard.
Poker Player is abusing his DT, likewise causing UMG to spam.
if users like Poker Player did not abuse their DT, then you would not have to complain about UMG spamming.
UMG is only breaking the rules, because you are making it difficult for him to takeover BT Talk Forum, so he can provide a safer, much more reliable platform for gambling.
I am not mad at Poker Player, we are on the same side, I have just came to terms with this.
Why would I be mad at someone trying to prevent scams?
I have realized it be best, me and Poker Player mend relationship, and I concede, all claims are valid.
So we can all destroy casinos, and enjoy better experiences with UMG.
UMG values Bitcoin Talk Forum, as it has allowed for the improvement, of the platforms in many ways.
Let us, all sit and enjoy peace.
Enhanced gambling is finally here, now we can all finally be at peace.
Poker Player who is more likely to be a retard?
The user who gambles all day, and comments on a forum.
Or the user, who programs and codes all day, a platform built to help millions of users generate revenue?
The UMG temporary ban has been lifted, now the spam can continue.... Just kidding lol.