I would like to measure kangaroo DP for puzzle #120
I always wondered what the relation was between DPsize and runtime. Maybe somebody should draw a few graphs. They will be parabolic because setting the size too low or high exponentially increases runtime, and if we could even make a 3D graph lining up the DP curves from all range sizes (powers in this case).
The idea would be to find the smallest points on the graph to see if there's a way to improve the automatically calculated dpsize value. (I once experimented with setting an arbitrary dpmask, but that had very bad effects for runtime.)
kangaroo still power full for now (not yet have other algorithm best for now)
Can you help to explain for kangaroo.exe data from save.work file?
save.work file from kangaroo.exe both solve a 120 bit and 256 bit data is same format (solve by using generate private key and publick key)
I convert hex to dec
from 120 bit solve (test pubkey)
262143,48357306424295921700769579380444332534 1562842135080204172
262143,236688263920794955386261906309794027722 967375894582543310
262143,209421810490797557957190854895683512892 441962270191571849
262143,225641934287901095819832523508370738498 1316787007398506857
262143,291551157822226898627726358187674170442 -493837653657333763
from 265 bit solve (test pubkey)
0,59459776387358570849530339812195619039 30449515388215305633
0,168557432531209639563818391489784546103 27117058245582788305
0,187703705753502279679574421533681592130 23895961494359236057
0,211282612041149045737248359108783970698 28316598789817799604
262143,303498835120544398690280772659518904948 15298374911161789743
262143,330471970880799703221136385694942800905 24405259179491741594
262143,333088154919942412776046848521499169913 29643794240743107223
bot still same format, I don't know what is number from?